7 - the Ugly Scar

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Percy's POV

"So what happened between you and Matt?" I asked. Annabeth and I were sitting on my bed.

"I can't tell you, Percy." Annabeth looked at the ceiling, as if remembering something.

"You can tell my anything, okay? I won't go spilling your secrets."

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Promise?"


Annabeth stood up, so she was directly facing me. She slowly lifted her shirt, and visible tears were streaming down her face.

On the upper part of her stomach, was a deep red scar.

I understood. I nearly gasped, staring at the mark.

"He did this to you," I whispered. Annabeth nodded her head, using one hand to wipe away her tears. I stood up and hugged her.

"You don't have to, Percy," she said, pulling away. "I don't need pity; I just need you to keep this secret."

"I'm not pitying you, Wise Girl. What did he do?"

I lightly traced the scar with my finger, causing Annabeth to shiver.

"He, uh, never mind. I left him a couple months ago, and I didn't want any connections with him. That's why I didn't like you."

Matt Sloan and I were friends. Well, now we aren't. He was on my swim team as co-captain. He and I got along really well.

Now I really just wanted to punch him.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized.

"No need. Not like I can reverse those five awful months." Annabeth put her shirt back down, brushing away the last of her tears.

My arms were still around her; I didn't want to move away.

"History," I stated. "We're friends, right? And friends protect each other."

Annabeth's POV

The doorbell rang. My mom wasn't home, so I went downstairs to open the door.

Matt was standing in my way.

After I left Matt, I started working out, learning self defense, acting like a badass.

All of that left me as I watched him enter my house.

"Why did you leave me, Annie?"

I backed up, facing the front door. Matt put an arm on the wall behind me and leaned in.

"Please, Matt, leave me alone," I whimpered. I hated being weak. It was pathetic, but I had to.

"Remember last time you disobeyed me?"

I remembered it clearly. The memory brought back months of pain and loneliness.

Matt slowly lifted my shirt, his hand lightly skimming my bare stomach. When he got to the scar, he grazed it with his fingers.

"We haven't broken rules for a while."

When I first met Matt, he seemed great. I was finally happy to be with someone like that. After a couple of months, he got me into trouble. Sneaking into bars, vandalizing property. I saw a different part of him, the bad part. He started hurting me, and I had no where to run.

"No, Matt, please."

He pressed his body against mine, kissing - no, biting - my neck. I resisted the urge to scream out.

Then I thought of Percy. I did have somewhere to run. And I was gonna test that limit.

I kicked Matt as hard as I could. Then, when he was in shock, I judo-flipped him.

I grabbed my keys from the key hook, ran out the front door, and jumped into my car. Matt was this close to catching me.


It isn't Percy Jackson fan fiction if Annabeth doesn't judo flip someone.

I know its pretty serious now lol


So i went to Hot Topic the other day. HT is like the store for the emos. Anyways, I got Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance shirts. They were black and my mum says I shouldn't get so much black so I had to beg her.


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