3 - Janitorial Room

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Annabeth's POV

After third period, I took the long way to lunch. I took the long way because I was one of the few people who liked the library. This hallway was usually pretty clear because few people used the school library.

So there I was, enjoying a fresh new book, when someone pulled me into the nearest room: a tiny broom closet.

"What the-"

"Shh," Percy said, putting his finger to my lips. I didn't hesitate to kick his ankle, causing him to back off and clutch his foot in pain.

"You are such a perv," I said, heading for the door.

"No! I need to talk to you. I needed to tell you I didn't mean for the other night to happen."

"So you try to convince me you're not a messed up fuckboy by pulling me into a closet?"

Percy thought. "Okay so it wasn't the smartest plan."

I smirked. "You got that right."

"You need to listen to me. I'm really sorry, okay? I didn't mean it. I don't need my dad's rival's daughter hating my guts for seducing her." He paused. "Not that I did," he said clumsily, blushing madly, his green eyes darting around the small room.

"You are such a liar."

I don't know why, but I gave in. He seemed so truthful, so loyal. He really didn't mean it.

"Fine," I said. "But stay away from me."

Percy nodded my head vigorously. "Deal."

I left the closet, fumbling with the handle on my way out.

I ran to lunch, for I only had five minutes to eat. I ate half a sandwich, hardly talking to any friends, before the bell rang. I had to go to gym class. It was kind of stupid, though, putting gym after lunch.

I ran to the school's gymnasium, heading for the girl's locker room and changing from a white top and jeans to a red gym shirt and blue shorts. I put my long, curly blonde hair into a pony tail and hurried out the door.

"Welcome, Cupcakes, to your first day of the martial arts unit!" Coach Hedge, our gym teacher, informed us. He was a short guy who always called the students 'Cupcakes'.

Many students groaned, tired and sleepy after their buffet of food. I, on the other hand, was pretty hyped. Mainly because I loved school. It was the only way to truly get away from family. In other words, my mom.

"Jackson, Get up here!"

From the other side of the room, Percy Jackson walked to the front of the class.

"Sup, Coach."

After ten minutes of showing us offense and defense moves, Coach Hedge told us why he called Percy.

"Alright. Who wants to use the tricks I just taught you with this cupcake here."

Percy, looking mock-offended, looked around the room. For some reason, my hand shot up.

"Chase!" Coach Hedge called me up; I walked to the front of the room.

Coach Hedge blew a whistle, and the whole class back up, leaving us a large mat to fight on.

"Not a wise choice, Annie," Percy mocked. He thought this would be easy.

"Try me, Seaweed Brain."

"We're doing nicknames now, huh? I'll think of one for you after I'm done."

Percy was the first to go; he shot his leg in the air, aiming for my stomach. I could tell it was light, though. I moved back out of range, then charged at him while he recovered, punching his chest. Lightly, of course.

Well, I think it was light.

After ten minutes of back and forth fighting, I had Percy pinned on the ground, me on top of him. It was hard, but I did it.

"You win, Wise Girl," he said, out of breath, grinning.

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