Chapter 10: Harry's POV

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That was the time this stupid fucking detention had meant to start. Now it was 8:45 and Harry's already non-existent patience was beginning to turn into rage. He had been standing outside Filch's office for god knows how long, and Malfoy still hadn't made an appearance - and - worse yet, Filch himself had showed up an hour earlier, and had proceeded to lecture Harry on the school's 'rules' and 'regulations' for an agonising thirty minutes-
"Hello!"  A girl with curly blond hair tumbling past her shoulders and bright blue eyes tapped him on the shoulder, batting her eyelashes unattractively.
"Hi?" Harry muttered, looking past her to see a group of girls peering over at them.

The girl twirled her hair and giggled, watching as Harry shifted uncomfortably. Weird.
"My friends just dared me to kiss you, and I think you're pretty cute soooo..." Harry internally cringed, mentally searching for an excuse to leave as she edged closer.
"I have to- I can't-" He gently pushed her away, to which she pouted.
"Oh come on! It's just one little kiss! It won't hurt". Now she was grabbing the hem of his shirt and sliding her hand under his jeans, pulling him nearer, and Harry's mind was blank with panic. Not again- not now-
"What the hell are you doing?!" A familiar blond Slytherin stepped in, face taunt with pure fury.

"I'm just playing a game! Don't ruin the fun!" Malfoy strode up to her, standing in the way of the two of them. Harry looked up at him, confused.
"-And who are you anyway? His boyfriend?" The blond hesitated for a moment before tensing slightly.
"Actually, yeah, I am." The girl curled her lip in disgust, clearly unsatisfied, but her friends were starting to drag her away, apologising profusely. Malfoy turned to Harry - not quite meeting his gaze - and pulled him into Filch's office, his face unreadable. Harry raised his eyebrows at him.
"What was that about? I can take care of myself you know." Malfoy snorted incredulously, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Wow, no thanks for saving you? That girl looked like she was about to eat you alive." The blond smirked smugly as Harry's face turned a bright red. "I was just about to- I was clearly-" Malfoy rolled his eyes at him, sitting on the front desk of the office. Harry clenched his jaw.
"For your detention," he could practically hear the smile in his voice,"You will be cleaning this entire room without magic, and scraping all the dead bugs off the windows." Malfoy handed him a disinfectant bottle and a bright yellow cloth. Harry snarled at him, snatching the cleaning products off him, and bending over. There was a thick layer of grime over the tiled floor, and no matter how hard he scrubbed, it stayed prominent.

Rain lashed the grotty windows, creating disgustingly large chunks of sludge sliding down the outside of the glass. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, and as the clock ticked by, Harry had hardly made a dent in the sickening mess of soot and filth that consumed the entirety of the small room. At around midnight, Malfoy stood up, stretching. "Alright, I guess you can leave-"
The door suddenly snapped shut, immersing the two in dim light. Harry ran up to the exit, rattling the door handle desperately.
"No, no, no not with him-" But the door stayed firmly closed, showing no sign of opening. Malfoy seemed strangely panicked.

Harry groaned loudly, sliding down the blackened wall. The blond frowned, a faint pink blush spreading across his pale face. Weird.
"I don't suppose you know when we'll be let out?" Malfoy sighed, pressing his hands over his thighs.
"Well Filch only checks his office in the mornings, so..." Harry made a disgruntled noise, to which the blond let out a strangled gasp, before turning away, clearly embarrassed. Ok, that was really weird. He crossed his legs, letting out a deep breath. The dark haired boy watched him curiously, drinking in his features. From the curve of his neck, to his silvery blue eyes, Harry had never realised how good-looking Malfoy was. Because, of course, he didn't find him attractive. At all—

"I get that I'm hot, but I'm gonna need you stop staring." This time, Harry was the one who's face went bright red.
"I wasn't even looking at you, don't flatter yourself." Malfoy stepped an inch closer, and before Harry knew it, he was nose to nose with the pureblood Slytherin. Oh god, he looked even better up close. Then suddenly he drew back, sneering at the sight of the other boy's still red face.
"You're really pathetic, you know that right?" Malfoy remarked, raking his eyes over the dark haired boy's figure. Harry scowled, glaring at Malfoy with a look of suppressed embarrassment. How did he let Malfoy of all people take advantage of him like that?

And why did it feel so damn good to have the blond's skin against his?


I wrote this all while half asleep on the train, so I'm hoping it's good-

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