Chapter 37: Announcing the Sports Festival

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Grimm looked away to see who screamed out, "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE." However, as he looked away he sent spheres of his energy and sent them spiraling into the officers restraining Hikaru. Both officers let Hikaru go and crumbled in pain. Hikaru and Forest then ran towards Grimm screaming, "GRIMM." Hikaru engulfed him in a hug, while Forest curled up against Grimm's right leg. Grimm didn't budge but he did put his arm around him protectively as he saw who was there. Grimm muttered, "Out of all the people who could have arrived it just happened to be them." The Yagi's appeared, but before they could get close Grimm just encased them in bubbles and went as tight as possible without hurting them too much. Grimm resisted the urge to have spikes erupt inside the bubbles and immediately kill all 3 of them, however he failed-ish. He had a really thin needle stab into their arm. Hikaru seemed to know something more was going on, but seeing as Grimm, not Izuku, had a mental breakdown not even a minute ago he let it slide.

Grimm then tightened his hold on Hikaru and grabbed Forest and went to sit down on a curb waiting for other U.A faculty to arrive. He also sent a protective barrier to stop the police from entering. However, he was pouting a little bit, upset his ice cream was covered in blood and flesh and he couldn't eat it, but Hikaru shared his. A few minutes later, Aizawa and Nezu arrived. Grimm walked up to them and said, "You deal with them, I'm going to head to class," he then made wings and flew to U.A with Hikaru and Forest in his arms. Deciding to cause Nezu a minor inconvenience he entered the building through the windows of the principal's office. As he exited the room he thought for a moment and opened the door exploded the room and went on his way to class. He entered the room said, "Yes I'm covered in blood, and no I will not be taking the question. If you ask me anything Ima punch you in the face as hard as possible." He then sat in his chair, set Forest on his favorite spot, his head, and knocked out all while Hikaru had his goggles on and played a few games.

An hour later Aizawa walked back into the room said, "The sports festival is in 2 weeks. If any of you ask me questions you will be expelled." Under his breath, Aizawa muttered, "F**king paperwork.'' The class then started whispering which eventually became shouting that woke up Grimm. He looked up sighed and asked, "What's going on." "The sports festival is going to happen in 2 weeks," Kaminari said freaking out. "Oh. Tsk, it's not even important. You guys woke me up for no reason,'' Grimm said extremely annoyed, and went back to sleep.

(I wanted this to be longer, but I want the sports festival to be one big chapter for next week).

Broken...Not ShatteredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon