Chapter 5:Death of a Hero and Birth of Something Twisted

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(A.N A perfect example of how Izuku talks with Fu and Grimm is in Yu-Gi-Oh when Yugi is talking to Yami).

The day after Yami's funeral was Izuku's, Grimm's, and Fu's first day of middle school. They had all agreed on the same thing, for the first time since Fu appeared. They agreed that middle school would suck.

Putting on the uniform, they left and started walking to school. While on the way Izuku was having a conversation with Fu, while Grimm was in control of the body. "Fu, can you please be quiet. Our body has barely gotten any sleep," said a pleading Izuku. "Why should I Deku, it's fun," replied an annoyed Fu. "Fu please, it's your body too. We all need sleep. Hell, even Grimm can barely function."

Finally giving in Fu said, "Fine, but just because I stop doesn't mean the nightmares will." Sighing Izuku said, "Yeah, we know, it's just that Grimm and I keep seeing Dad getting stabbed." "I may never have met the man, but by the way, the both of you talk about him, and your memories, he seems like a great man." With a sad smile appearing on their faces, both Grimm and Izuku said, "Yeah, he was."

The rest of the walk to school was quiet, each personality enjoying the silence.

When they eventually reached their school, Aldera Junior High, Grimm let Izuku take control. Walking inside and heading to homeroom he was meet with disgusted looks and sneers. Sighing he thought to himself, 'Guess the news that I'm quirkless is already out.' "Yup," and "Fuck," were heard from Fu and Grimm respectively. (A.N Grimm and Fu will almost always be in normal dialogue instead of thinking since technically they're speaking with Izuku in their mind not thinking.

Reaching their class early, Izuku picked the furthest seat in the back and started writing in a notebook titled, Hero Analysis for the Future Number 10. (A.N the number is different because Izuku is in his 3rd year of middle school and he is in his 1st year right now. I am also under the assumption that he fills a little less than a full notebook every year. Also, I feel like I should mention that Izuku academically is in his 1st year of college).

(Time skip to after the teacher arrives and calls attendance)

The teacher picked up a stack of paper saying in a serious voice, "As middle school students you have to seriously think about your future because the years go by in a flash." He then burst out into laughter and threw the papers in the air. He then said, "Who am I kidding you all want to be HEROES!" All while Fu said, "How unprofessional," and Grimm responding, "Yeah teachers are very unprofessional." Izuku only nodded in agreement.

The class then went into an uproar and started to use their quirks, except for Izumi and her gang. "Yes, yes you all have impressive quirks, but quirk usage isn't allowed in school." "Hey teach, don't lump me and my gang with these losers. They would be lucky to become sidekicks to some busted D-lister," Katsuki said with a cocky smile while jumping on his desk. Katsumi smirked, the Todoroki's had a poker face while Izumi shook her head. Izuku, Grimm, and Fu just looked in disgust.

The entire class shouted in outrage with one random student saying, "That's uncalled Katsuki." Sadly that just caused Katsuki to mock them further, "You all should shut up like the extras you are."

Before it could escalate the teacher silenced the class and started looking at what schools the students were preparing for. "Oh I see you and your friends want to go to U.A's prep school, right," questioned the teacher. The whole class minus Katsuki, his friends, and Izuku gasped. Everyone was whispering that it was almost impossible to get into the prep school and even harder to join the university.

In the back of the classroom Izuku, and Grimm just sighed already knowing what was going to happen while Fu looked in confusion. "We all aced the mock exams! We will be the only people in the history of this school to enter. We will be the next top 5 heroes with me at the top," Katsumi shouted with a raised fist.

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