Chapter 8: How The Mighty Have Fallen

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A.N This will be a shorter chapter since it will only be an overview of the year before Izuku and company and Hikaru meet and how he goes about being a vigilante and how they fight. Also for those confused about my choice of when Hikaru is born, I did it so they have a year to bond. They will meet when Izuku is supposed to be at the end of his 2nd year of highschool and Hikaru is 4. Hikaru is born a little under a year after Izuku left so by the end of junior high he is 2.

(Over the next 2 years)

Over the next 2 years Izuku, Grimm, and Fu were having a blast. They were killing villains and evading heroes left and right, well Grimm and Fu were. Izuku was the personality everyone met, he was the one who talked to people. He was the smart and clever one, always having a plan or trick up his sleeve to guarantee success and seem likable. He constantly analyses his opponents for weak spots and body language.

Grimm was the personality who their victims meet. He was the violent and brash one, killing whoever he wanted. In a maniacal and opportunistic fighting style, using a scythe to appear more as the angel of death.

Fu was the one who heroes meet. The one that was quick on her feet and excellent at escaping. It didn't help that she had a bad mouth that would constantly taunt the heroes.

Though this didn't mean that they were the only personality with skills in their perspective area. Each of them developed their own style. Izuku preferred a sword when fighting to take his enemies down quickly and efficiently, in an unpredictable style. He rarely used their quirk, and when he did it would be to the bare minimum of the quirk to win. Only using it to trip and throw his opponent of balance. He was also the one used to pain. As a result, should they ever need to escape anywhere by breaking a few bones or dislocating them, he was the one for the job. Grimm on the other hand would be the one who uses brute force to escape and focuses his smarts on split-second decisions. Izuku takes a long time when fighting, and analyzing opponents, almost like it was a game of chess. Fu simply doesn't care. As a result, Grimm makes most of the live-or-die decisions. Fu just makes sure they don't do anything stupid. She focused on hacking and programming during the 3 years of training. If their face is on a camera or on the internet when it is not supposed to be, she erases any and all evidence that it existed. She also loves to tease her opponents by insulting them and whacking them across the face with tonfas when they speak. When she gets bored she uses the tonfas to punch the enemy across the face to knock them out.

Each of them has blood on their ledger. Each one has killed at least one hundred deaths on their hands. Grimm kills the criminals, Fu kills those who see their face, and Izuku, well Izuku kills for the sake of Hikaru. He kills child neglecters, abusers, kidnappers, and rapists. He feels that they can hurt his little brother. In fact, he is so overprotective that about 6 months into vigilantism, and had made quite a name for themselves Izuku had threatened every gang/mob in Musutafu, that if even hair on Hikaru's head was touched he would kill them and everyone else involved with them. To make his point, he showed them that when he is around quirks don't work, and bullets could never stop him from his revenge.

Surprisingly, every mob boss/gang leader listened, as they knew that it was what they would do for a loved one. Especially one who barely knows that they exist due to their career choices.

When Izuku had shown them a picture of Hikaru they told everyone affiliated with them not to hurt or touch the boy. Sadly for one gang, someone didn't listen. On one bank robbery, Hikaru and Inko just happened to be there. As it was a hostage situation Inko couldn't do anything. This was when a new guy decided to flick Hikaru saying, "I don't even know why the boss is listening to Reaper. As if he would know that I did this."

Oh, how wrong he was. Izuku constantly kept tabs on where Hikaru was and crossed reference the location with current crimes. If Hikaru was there Izuku would ask Fu to hack into the cameras to see what was happening.

As luck would have it he saw the exact moment the grunt flicked Hikaru, and he was pissed. That night he put on his costume and flew to the gang that was responsible for the robbery. When he reached there he told the boss that he needs everyone to get together outside for important news regarding a rival gang. This was enough motivation for everyone to get together and the second that happened Izuku had set a barrier with his quirk saying, "SOMEONE HERE FLICKED HIKARU AND THAT MEANS YOU ALL DIE." He immediately killed the boss who was next to him and started cutting through the hoards of people with 2 identical swords in each hand.

" He immediately killed the boss who was next to him and started cutting through the hoards of people with 2 identical swords in each hand

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When he finally finished, he was covered in blood. Taking out a recorder he said, "You reap what you sow, and for those gangs who even dare about defying me, this is what awaits you." When the police arrived they were horrified at the idea that one person could do this, the press had even said, "What caused the Reaper to kill many people. Some say revenge while others say that he did it for fun." The media had officially named the incident, "Fury of a Reaper." When the news had spread to every gang and mob each one had forgotten every notion to ignore the warning given to them. Izuku only had one concrete memory of that day. It was of Fu saying, "Didn't know the old hero wanna be had it in him. Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

Over the next 2 years, nothing of interest happened. That was until.....

That's it for the chapter. I know I kind of left it on a cliff hanger but I really want to get started on the next chapter. Izuku and Hikaru finally meet.

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