Chapter 38: Sports Festival

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Finally finished this chapter. It's over 4000 words. Hope you enjoy.

3rd Person POV:

Grimm had woken up about 20 minutes before class ended and he groaned loudly. "To hell with this," Grimm said, "I'm leaving." He then grabbed his things and started to walk out of the classroom. "GRIMM SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN IN THE SEAT! YOU HAVE NOT SEEN OR INTERACTED WITH ANOTHER HUMAN BEING OTHER THAN MYSELF FOR YEARS WITHOUT KILLING THEM! YOU NEED TO MORE SOCIAL INTERACTION SO YOU DON'T MURDER EVERYONE," Hikaru screamed out while getting out of his seat and going to drag Grimm back in his seat.

Grimm tried to leave anyway, but Forest came up to him and tripped him. "Traitor,'' Grimm grumbled out while being dragged back to his seat by Hikaru.

Aizawa looked on in confusion, along with everyone else. They knew Grimm could have easily escaped or overpowered Hikaru, but he...didn't. They asked themselves why, but with no answer, they returned to their normal thoughts.

When the bell finally rang Grimm blasted the wall to the classroom open and started to walk to the exit. Everyone looked toward Hikaru and expected him to reprimand Grimm, but he just grabbed his own things and walked away with Grimm with Forest following close behind.

They reached the new exit and finally noticed the crowd standing in front of the classroom. "Nope I do not have the energy for this,'' Grimm said while trapping all of those students in a hollow sphere and crushing it until he could hear bones break and screams of pain. He then let them go and made a giant scythe behind him and sent it flying to cut off all the student's heads. "Crap,'' Hikaru muttered out and he jumped and put all 5 of the fingers on his right hand on a small part on the top of his head, which was the only spot on the body without some type of protection, thinking nothing would happen but was hopeful something was.

Curiously enough the scythe dissipated into a cloud of black smoke. "That wasn't supposed to happen," Hikaru said as he landed from his jump. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN," the class screamed out. Hikaru shrugged and responded, "Usually the item keeps on going until its momentum, I think it was called, runs out." "He's right,'' Grimm commented while grabbing the collar of Hikaru's shirt and Forest and dragging them out of the classroom. 'That was odd. The scythe shouldn't have disappeared; it should have cut off all those students' heads,' Grimm questioned, thinking that maybe his quirk wasn't as strong as he thinks he is. He pushed those thoughts to the side and resolved to find it out with his siblings.

While in his thoughts, Grimm didn't notice Hikaru and Forest trying to force their way out of their grasp until Forest tried to bite his way out. However, this didn't bother Grimm either. He only noticed when he felt the blood dripping off his hands. "Oh,'' he mumbled as noticed the new wound and let go of his brother and dog. He ripped off the bottom of his shirt and wrapped it around his hand to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, Hikaru disciplined Forest, and when he asked Grimm to do the same Grimm shrugged it off and replied, "He can't do anything that hasn't already been done. What's the big deal?" Hikaru looked at his brother worried and said, "Grimm it isn't okay to think being hurt is ok.'' "Yeah yeah,'' Grimm replied nonchalantly. They continued walking until they reached their destination, Nezu's office. He blasted the door open and threw a small stack of paper on Nezu's desk. "Those are our conditions. Other than that we don't really care what happens.'' He then walked out before Nezu could get a word. Well, he didn't technically walkout. He sprouted wings and flew away with Hikaru and Forest being carried; stopping by a small burger shop to eat. However, when they entered everyone stared at Grimm in fear. Grimm raised an eyebrow in confusion and as if by some divine intervention a news broadcast started to play on a small television in the corner of the shop. The news broadcast started to play. "It has officially been confirmed that the real name of the villain/vigilante known as Reaper is Izuku Yagi. The boy has been missing for 3 years. If seen do not engage." "Shit,'' Grimm muttered as he picked up Forest and Hikaru for what seemed to be the millionth time that day. He rushed out of the burger shop and flew home as fast as possible.

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