Chapter 51

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Kai's Pov

From inside the mansion, things were set. The house was lit in some rooms, dark and abandoned in others. We had just entered through the windows, that Shawn and Ariana had managed to unlock through their security system. It was quite obvious to Otto that someone had hacked into his home, we all knew that. That's why I was very select on who I allowed on my team, even though Ariana was much better with combat than tech. Everyone on the ground with me knew that Otto knew so we kept that secret from everyone else, so there wouldn't be any defiance.

Zayn and Camila's team were still outside, waiting on the signal to enter from inside. Lauren and Cole, along with their team were still by the woods and hadn't been given instruction yet. Everyone was waiting on my call.

Tommy looked over at me, while both of us pressed our backs against the white doors. "Now or never." He said, giving a small smile, holding his gun by his side.

"Everything has to be perfect Tommy." I reiterated, not only to him but to the entire room who had been focusing on me. "Our first mission is to get my aunt and uncle out safe, fuck Otto right now. I know all of you understand the risks and everything you're putting on the line right now, but I am asking you, very clearly not to endanger yourselves if it is not necessary. If we have to retreat, it's every man for himself. Do not, I repeat, do not, come or go back for anyone else. You're my family, that's my job. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." They replied in unison, although some of them were slightly nervous at my words. Preparing and actually going through with the actions were two different things.

I tapped into my mic, connecting Shawn and Ariana back to my earpiece, along with everyone else since we all needed to communicate.

We have everyone's team code names to better help with talking as well. Zayn and Camila's were our entrance team, Cole and Lauren's were our ground team, Shawn and Ariana's were our sky team, and my team was the stealth team.

"Sky team, give me an angle," I said into my earpiece.

Ariana was the one to respond. "Shawn says that cameras show that your hallway is clear, the north one has movement, and a couple of guys going in and out. If you want less noise, the south doors would be best for the entrance team to enter."

"Entrance team, take north doors."

"Grande said south, are you sure north?" Cole replied.

"I told you I'm not repeating myself tonight. Entrance team, take south doors." The noise wasn't an issue, they already knew we were here. "Ground team, enter five seconds after the entrance team makes it in."

"Copy," Zayn said.

"Stealth, we need to split up." I sighed, disconnecting from comms once again. "Because they know we're here, Willow and Matt could be anywhere. Hell, Otto would kill them and us right in front of me if I lead us right to them. Grab a partner, and make your way to the top, once everything is cleared, make your way down. Antonio has a team and is on standby until he can get to Otto, do not be afraid to call for help or retreat."

They looked amongst us themselves, nodding as they all found someone and stood next to them. Tommy looked over at me, letting me know he was sticking with me.

I was the first to open the doors and step out, before sending my men upstairs while Tommy led them until they could break out in two. I stood by the stairs, waiting until every last one of them made it up.

I heard the first shots going off from downstairs letting me know that my guys were in, I connected back on comms. "Kai!" I heard, just as I barely got on.

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