Chapter one hundred and fifteen

Start from the beginning

"Noted." She replied with a little g laugh. Shaking her head she looked to the little one and smiled that sweet smile both myself and my husband had missed so much.

"They all look wonderful, I, I can't believe you did this, I didn't realise just how much of missed all you guys." Ahsoka replied though now the happy glint in her eyes had turned to something else. I couldn't quite describe it but the corners of her lips dipped down slightly.

Was she sad..?


"Alright boys, go load the ship up, im sure Ahsoka wants to be on her way." Anakin chimed up seeming to sense the same thing as me. He stepped forward as the men began to disperse. Ahsoka stepped over to join him as Rex saluted before leaving.

"Thank you for doing this means so much to me." Ahsoka replied though wasn't making eye contact now. Anakin gestured his hand forward and offered her a smile.

"What are friends for?" He replied nonchalantly with a shrug. Finally looking up Ahsoka met his gaze and smiled ever so slightly more. Anakin then glanced to me before smiling, reaching back and picking up a box.

"I actually have one other surprise for you.,," Anakin went on to say, offering her the box. Ahsoka's expression faltered again but she soon reached out. Her hand clasped the lip and pulled it back, revealing both her lightsaber hilts. Reaching in she picked them up with a nostalgic look and turned them over.

"I kept them in good condition for you," Anakin went on to say when she said nothing. "I even made a couple of improvements..." He then trailed off saying as she ignited the blade, revealing it now to be a classic blue much alike to his. I chuckled a little at the comment and shook my head lightly.

"What he means to say is he got you a pair of new kybers, your others are in the box though if you want to change them back." I chimed in while combing down Ari's hair. Ahsoka smiled and turned the blades off again placing them back in the box.

"No, these are perfect thank-

Just as she was speaking an alarm
Began to blade and the red emergency light cycled. We all looked around and I instinctively clung a little tighter to Ari. Out the corner of my eye I saw Ahsoka's face fall and assumed it was to do with being cut off just when we were getting a little closer and nice more. Suddenly Obi wan came through the door wearing an expression of extreme concern.

"The chancellors been kidnapped, we need to go back to Coruscant immediately." He informed and I watched Anakins expression drop to one of dread. My stomach fell as I heard the news - not at all concerned for the traitor but instead rather what he was up to. Everything was suddenly so tense and yet Ahsoka seemed the most uncomfortable of us all.

"Ahsoka I'm so sorry but-

"It's okay Anakin, I understand," Ahsoka chimed in before he could apologise. She then smiled softly, stepped forward and hugging his side in a way I couldn't describe. "You do what you have to do...I'll see you again soon I know it." She spoke sweetly with the kindest of smiles.

"Anakin come on...I'm sorry but we have to leave, now." Obi wan spoke up as my husband gently wrapped one arm around the teen. I Ahsoka pulled back then looked to me, smiling sadly and giving Ari a way. She stepped back.

"Good luck you lot...May the force be with you." She spoke giving us all a smile this time. She looked all grown up once more, stood there in a smart salute as the troopers ran by. Anakin smiled and gave her a quick snappy salute back. It was sweet to see...even if we had to be going.

"May the force be with you to snips." Anakin replied as Obi wan placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded to Ahsoka. Despite the terrible circumstances and dilemma taking place all around us we still had time for this one heartfelt goodbye. Who knew when we'd next meet...

"Yes, have a safe trip Ahsoka - contact us whenever you can, I speak for us all when I say we want to hear how you mission to Mandolore goes." I added, her eyes flickering to meet mine. Again she smiled, nodding once.

"I will master, don't worry," she replied and then waved to us all. "Safe trip, I know you'll do amazing." She added before disappearing out the door in the direction of the hanger. I could t describe it to you, but their was a look to her eyes as she left, one of hurt and regret. Who would've known saying goodbye to an old friend could hurt so much, it was terrible. However we would meet again, I'd make sure of it...

Anakin stood watching after her for a while so I walked over and took his hand in mine. I gave it a little squeeze as Obi wan was handing out instructions to the troops all around.

"...she'll be alright Anakin, and when we're done we'll go help her I promise." I whispered. He nodded without averting his gaze from the doorway, that knowing smile creeping back up at the corners of his lips.

"...I know she will, she's my student, she'll do amazing." He replied with assurance and certainty to his voice. It made me smile in turn, he had so much faith in her, it was wonderful. Ahsoka really was family.

And some day...our family would go back home. ..

I know this chapters a little shorter but I thought this was a perfect place to end. I also know this is a different conversation to the one in clone wars but there's a reason for that you'll find out later. This marks the end of clone wars involvement in this book (there will be mentions of Ahsoka's battle in Chasing Speers however, my up-coming Arisoka spin off from this series set between now and book two)

Revenge of the sith

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now