028. slow steps

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  "WHERES MY mascara?" A panicked Florence started rummaging through my makeup bag

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"WHERES MY mascara?" A panicked Florence started rummaging through my makeup bag. "This eyelashes aren't going to look nice by itself." She groans as she continued searching for it.

"It's here, calm down." Tyler nudged the bag out of his sisters hand and replaced it for her mascara, the mascara that she'd been looking for a while. "You look very nice Ro." Tyler smiles.

Here was me wearing some green bikini top with low wasted jeans with the string of my swimsuit bottoms just about showing. I matched the look with small gems under my eyes with queen Maddy Perez being my inspiration. 

"Are you sure I can't come with you. Im pretty sure Blanche accidentally lost my invitation." Ivan groans as he kicked started kicking the side of my bed. "Dua can you please tell Rowan that I'm old enough to watch my future wife perform?"

Dua laughed at my brother, "Ivan it's a concert that's going to take place in England and let me tell you, outdoor concerts in England are hectic." And that was her speaking from past experience. Last time me, Dua plus Niall went to an outdoor concert together, we ended up separated.

"Not one of our brightest moments." Niall Horan adds as he continued to show Harry photos of him playing golf, "But it was funny when Rowan tripped over in mud, oh that's a core memory."

"Shut up Niall, you didn't catch me on time." I threw my beauty blender at him. "Anyway we should really get going soon, I need to run some small check ups with Blanche before the show starts." I placed my belongings inside my duffel bag, "Ivan, make sure you don't annoy mum. I love you, bye."

We all rushed out the door and somehow trusted Troye with the stirring wheel with the boys on another car. "Oh my gosh, why's everything the opposite way round?" American problems.

"I really don't think you should be drivin-" Tyler placed his hands on top of Troyes. He didn't managed to finish his sentence before Troye speeded out of the driveway, "okay, okay. We'll make it there alright" He breathed out loud.

me and the guys have just arrived,
where do u want us to meet u at?

RO 🦋
uh meet us by the car park

okay, how far are you because
mase and val dont want to use
the public toilets here

RO 🦋
fair enough lmfao and is tate with you?

RO 🦋
and tell them we're like 15 something
minutes away from the venue

no and, what do u mean 15 minutes?

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