027. even if it takes ten years

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KAI HAVERTZ weeks later....

  I HAVENT heard from Rowan at all since Ivan's birthday

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  I HAVENT heard from Rowan at all since Ivan's birthday. Ivan himself doesn't seem to know what happened to his sister except the fact only me and him knew her and Jack were broken up.

We didn't mean to eavesdrop, we just heard everything.

"What do you mean you want to dye your hair blue?" This was one of many times Ivan had called me since his birthday and to be honest with you, it's so annoying but it's Ivan so it doesn't shock me at all.

"Actually never mind, if I dyed my hair blue it'll make me seem like a Chelsea fan and that's not a good thing, for a matter of fact." He sassed, "Oh and my mum and dad are dropping me off at your place because they're both working. No ifs or but, but I'm in the car right now with the hair dye."


Before I could even put the phone down, the sounds of Ivan violently knocking on my door boomed through my apartment. In a swift movement I unlocked the door to see him standing in front of the door with Amara smiling at me.

"Sorry this was last minute, Rowan still isn't feeling well." Amara kissed my cheek before settling down Ivan's belongings. So he's staying the night I guess?

"I brought my new lego kit so we can build the Infinity gauntlet together." For a recap, two days ago me and Ivan decided to go walk around London and forced me to buy him lego, it wasn't fun since my bank account was crying that day.

Why are legos so overpriced?

"Be a good boy to Kai okay?" Ivan smirks before sending his mhm an innocent smile. Little idiot. "I'll see you tomorrow, Eu te amo filho."


"Ivan! What do you want to eat?" I yell from the kitchen. During the past hours he's been here, all he's done was hog the TV in my bedroom watching Transformers.

His footsteps could be heard as he ran towards the kitchen, he nudged me out of the way and looked through my cupboards and fridge, "Are you being for real? All you have is bread, butter and pasta." I can explain...

No I can't

"Let's go to Rowan's for dinner, it's Friday so she's probably getting a takeaway." His small hands harshly gripped on my wrist and drag me out the apartment, "Wait I need to lock the door."

I didn't even have time to change. Here was me, Kai Havertz, leaving the house in a pair of Hello Kitty pjs with a plain white top.

"How are we supposed to get inside, Rowan hasn't answered her door in ages." Well every-time I went anyway.

"No need to worry, I got this bad boy to do the job." The smirk on his face grew wide when he dangled her house key in front of me, "Basically she has no choice to kick us out because we could always just come back inside."

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