Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

The toucan moves to his other shoulder and turn to look at the sky. It chirp loudly. Then all kinds of animals starts coming. Seems like he's granted the gift to talk to animals. It'll surely come in handy... unlike mine. I just hope these people won't treat me the same way as my old town.



Abuela asked me to try using my power to help the people. Since I'm able to see the past, which means I'll be able to remind them of something they forgot. But I'm not sure if I'm any good. Especially since I haven't actually learned how to use my power at will. I'm worried that I'm going to fail them.

I'm sitting on a bench by the town. There are people standing in line in front of me. I can see them staring at me with a skeptical expression, as if they doubted me. I don't blame them... after all, I'm not a part of the Madrigal family.

"I can't find my cat... will you help me?" A woman said, looking at me with a sad expression. "Do you have something that your cat have when your cat went missing?" I asked. "Yes... I found her collar by the tree..." she said, handing a cat collar to me. I nod my head. I take off my glove and take the collar. I can see flash of images on the back of my head.

"I see someone... wearing a grey ruana. It seem to be a guy. They take off the collar from the cat and throw it away. Come on!" I said, standing up. I make my way towards the place while trying my best to recall what I saw. I look down to see footprints.

"Follow the footprints" I said. I quickly jog, following the footprints. It leads to a small shed. I enter it and notice how the place is filled with cages. But they are all empty. I walk towards one of the cages and a flash of images appear in my head.


I can see the place once filled with animals. They are all in cages. They squeal loudly as they try to escape the cage. I can see a person's hand, whoever it is slams a hand on the cage creating a loud noise.

"Silence!" The person yelled, clearly annoyed by the sound the animals are making. By the sound of the voice, I can tell that it's a man.

I can him reaching to one of the cage, opening it. I can see a dog with her puppies. He reaches inside, grabbing on of the puppy and hold it by the neck. He held it tightly, causing the puppy to scream in pain. The mother got angry and bite his leg.

The man screams in pain and kicks the dog away. The dog slams her body against the wall and whine in pain. Eventually, laying there motionless.

End of Vision

I breathe heavily as I fall on my knees. I can feel something dripping down my nose. I lift my hand and wipe it to see a red substance. Blood.

"Are you okay?" The woman said. "Yeah, I'm okay..." I said, nodding my head. I walk towards the wall and kneel down. I can see splotches of blood. I place my hand on the spot and another vision appear in my head.


This time I'm looking at the vision from the dog's point of view. I can see a man, he have his hood on so I can't see his face. He walks towards the dog and grabs it by the neck.

"You filthy mutt... you'll pay for that!" He said. He walks towards a wall and grabs a shovel.

End of Vision

I look around the place and notice the shovel. I stand up and walk towards it. I place my hand on it and another vision appear in my head.


He walks out of the shed, holding the dog. He walks a little further from the shed snd drop the dog, since the dog is injured she can't move much. She just lay there motionlessly. He starts digging the ground.

He grabs the dog once again and drop it to the hole he dug up. I can see the dirt slowly being thrown to the dog's body. Until the dog's completely covered.

End of Flashback

"That's horrible..." I said, tears streaming down both of my cheeks. "Why? What happened?" She said. I turn to look at her. "This man... he's been abducting people's pet and starts torturing them. This shovel... has been used to bury a dog alive" I said. She gasps as she stares at me in shock.

"Anything about my cat?" She said. "I need to find the man so I can know what he did to your cat..." I said. "What can we do?" Someone said. I turn my head to look at the person.

"We need to look for someone, who's been bitten on the calve. But focus on the men. Hm... everyone, roll up your pants" I said. Everyone starts to look at one another. They roll their pants to show their calves. I walk one by one to inspect them. I notice one man is not rolling his pants.

I walk towards him and he avoids eye-contact with me. "Please roll up your pants" I said. "Uh... I have an embarrassing burns mark there" he said. I narrow my eyes at him.

"No one is gonna judge you" I said. He take a glance around the place. He quickly turns around and runs away. "Catch him!" I said, pointing at the man. One of them tackles him on the ground and he struggles to break free.

One of them pull up his pant. A bite mark is present there. "You're the culprit!" I said. I kneel down and place my hand on his hand.


I can see him handing a cage with an orange cat in it. In return, he receive money from the person who took the cage from him. I can hear him letting out a chuckle as he count the money.

"Easy money~. If I keep this up. I'll be super rich! And no one is going to know!" he said. I can hear the greed in his voice.

End of Vision

"You've been trading stolen pets for money!" I said. I glare at the man in disgust. "I didn't do anything! You're making things up!" He said. I reach inside his pocket and take a handful of money.

"Then what is this, huh??" I said. "That's mine!" He said, trying to reach for the money. But I pull it out of his reach. I notice something sticking out of his pocket. I take it out of his pocket and inspect it. It looks like a scarf a pet lover would put on their pet along with the collar.

"That's my cat's scarf!" The woman cried out, taking the scarf from my hand. I turn to look at the man as he looks defeated. "Still want to deny it?" I said. He looks at me with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry! I needed the money" he said. I roll my eyes at what he said. "Just take him to Abuela. She'll decide what to do with him. Though I'm sure he'd be banished" I said. They nod their heads and take the man away.

My body sway a little since it's the first time I used my ability for that long. I put on my glove and fall on my knees. My sight going in and out of focus.

"Tia Y/N?!" Someone yelled out. Through my blurry gaze, I can make out a shape of white. By the sound of the voice, I can tell who it is. "Mirabel..." I said. That's the last thing I said. Then everything went black.

*to be continued*

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