Chapter 50: Epilogue Pt. 3

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The waiting room sits in heavy atmosphere. One side of the room occupies a large Efolia family, talking and arguing amongst them. 

Besides them, a group of Glimates have two Efolias cuffed and headed out of the room after one Efolia punches both of them. 

Once the two Efolias are pulled out, the Efolias who punched them slides in a chair, distraught. Besides him sits another distraught Efolia. 

The people at the front desk try their best to calm the large family down, whilst appeasing the other customers in the room. 

One worker decides to take the family to a separate room to wait for word. 

The room grows tense the longer they remain there. 

In another room, a small human boy is lying on a metal table as glimates around him rushes to save his life. 

Finally, the main vet of the operation walks out to tell the family. 

She walks in with her clipboard in hand, frowning as she calls out the names of the owner. An Efolias by the name of Ipp stands and the rest of the family crowds around. 

"Well? How is he? Is Lyon going to be okay?" Ipp asks the doctor, his voice choked up and raspy. 

The vet hesitates, opening and closing her mouth. 


Hey I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned for the next part I'm about to update!!!!!!!!!

- Mya Kennedy Morris

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