Chapter 23: An Attempt (New Years Surprise Part 1)

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Hey Guys! Wow! I never expected this book to go so far! Eeeeeh! It is my pride and joy! This chapter is an extra...a huge surprise! I was in the mood and wanted to treat y'all to something a bit different and new as thanks for reading and loving my work! Please comment more on these chapters...your comments and questions and curiosity means so much to me! This is a warning though...this chapter does bring up some sensitive topics, and is a bit more...gruesome and complex than my other chapters. Please let me know how you feel! Thanks so much! 

Mya Kennedy Morris


"Damn it, he's at it again!" Someone shouts and I grimace, desperately cutting my wrists, hoping it'll work fast enough. 

The door to my cell opens and I am tackled to the ground by like 3 giants. I spit and curse, flailing about, trying desperately to finish my work. 

"Easy boy, easy." One of the giants murmurs in my ear as they pin me to the ground and force the jagged piece of glass from my hand. 

They then pry my bleeding wrists away from my body, all the while evading my fangs and feet. "Keep him down, do not let him slip your grasps." The same voice hisses and they tighten their hold on me. 

I screech then, angry and just tired of their crap. I don't want to be here anymore!

Their earmuffs keeps them safe though, and the needle in my neck soon pulls me under. At least I get some type of relief. 


Alright, ease up, he's out." I murmur and we loosen our hold on the Riofla. I shake my head at the sight of his bloody wrists. 

Thankfully, the animal doesn't bleed as heavily as a human or a lilthe would with the cuts he has. With a Riofla's tough skin, you really have to cut deep to permanently wound the way this one wanted. 

I sigh and glance at the glass we forced from his hand. This Riofla was found on a poaching farm. The nasty places catches, buys, and takes animals that are loved for their furs and skins and other such body parts, and practically raised to maturity so that they can be harvested. 

Such places are illegal obviously, and when SPS raided this certain farm, they were just in time for this Riofla. He was hours away from being skinned alive for his very precious and valuable fur among his other wanted attributes. 

Not only is his fur rich in the colors of vibrant blue and pink, but a Riofla's fur is considered the softest fur an animal could possess, making it cost billions of dollars. Only the richest of the rich could get their hands on such fur from such a farm. 

The fur encases his entire body except for his back, with furry ears at the top of his head, and a fluffy tail. He has paws for feet and hands, with sharp claws...another thing the farm would have harvested from him. 

When an animal is raised the way this Riofla was; therefore, in a too small cramped cage without ever witnessing sunlight in the time of their imprisonment, a poor diet of foods, and cruel people who only saw it as nothing but the fur or skin on its body, it can cause a lot of problems. 

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