Chapter 10: Adoption?!

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WARNING: There are some possibly sensitive topics in the end of this chapter...and do know nothing bad will come out of them. My story is clean save for some m-preg, and certain details you may be expecting after you read this chapter will not be told in this story. Sorry to disappoint some of you, but that's the way I am. Thanks so much for reading!

- Mya Kennedy Morris



I wake up with a groan, my tongue flicking out and licking the tight net around my mouth.

I yawn, and it tightens instantly, the top and bottom parts pinching together to force my mouth closed after the yawn.

I have learned that if I allow the net to just close my mouth, and slacken my jaw, it will go back to its loose position.

As soon as I open my mouth without a tube inside for water or food, it pinches shut again.

I have tried every possible way to get it undone, but it sticks like butter.

I sigh and get off the nest, ignoring the morning sounds of the creatures and white aliens around me easily.

I move to the water dispenser, and pushing my face to the tube, the net parts for it. I open my mouth and suck on the tube, the net leaving me be.

The wonderful, non-drugged, minty water gushes down my throat, and I drink my fill.

Afterwards, I crawl back towards the nest, and climb back on top of it, burying myself back in the little hole my body has created over the past few days.

The lid slides open, and I wearily look up to see my caretaker (I call him that, because he is usually the only one besides the strange alien in the whitecoat that takes care of me) standing over the cage, peering down at me.

I shrink further into the nest as his hands reach for me and wrap around my torso, supporting my body.

I thrash for a few minutes, but give up, knowing that will do nothing.

The alien clicks approvingly, petting my head as he places my belly on his arm like he always does, my arms and legs draping over it.

My head faces his chest, and I've learned it's to keep me from seeing where exactly we're going...every time I have tried to turn or lift my head to peer in front of me or behind the alien, he would reposition me to where I'm staring right back at his chest.

I sigh and just lay there, my head draped on his arm to keep me stable.  


I carry my sweet charge into the washing room, and as soon as he recognizes it, he whines, shivering.

Interference (A Human Pet Tale)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang