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Hello all! Here we are! An in depth explanation and deeper look into the aliens' planet. Of course, there are more than one alien planet in the universe, but Shyviiron is the planet Lyron has been taken to. This special will be all about Shyviiron and its inhabitants and ways of life! Enjoy!

- Mya Kennedy Morris

Main Facts About Shyviiron

Size: Compared to Earth, Shyviiron is three times larger. 

Biology: Unlike Earth, Shyvirron's land is not broken up. On Shyviiron, there are three basic, water, air. 

The land part of Shyvirron rests on the right side of Shyviiron, much like where America, Canada, and Mexico stands on Earth. As a whole, the inhabitants usually mentions it as "the brain," or "the brain of the world." Shyviironians are just straight to the point of matters, and name things as they are. Obviously, they call the land section the brain of Shyviiron, because that is what they inhabit. It is where they work, sleep, eat, and all such other habits. There are no spectacular aliens (non-animal/pet aliens) that lives in their ocean.  The brain of Shyviiron is two times larger than all the land on Earth combined. Although the brain takes up less than a third of Shyviiron. 

The Water section, is just one large ocean mass, taking up most of Shyviiron. It recedes in the middle of Shyviiron, and its depth exceeds Earth's indefinitely. There are legends among Shyvirronians that their ocean has no end. It could very well be true. They call their ocean the heart of Shyviiron. That is also an obvious name, but is simple and easy for them, exactly how they like things. 

The last section, air, is a sliver of Shyviiron, the smallest section. It is named the body...or even the system. Many shyviironians travels to the system for tourist attractions. Although the smallest section fo their world, it is the most breathtaking. The heart of Shyviiron ends with huge cliffs keeping its waters at bay, like a dam would. Beyond that is just air. Nothing. Not even cliffs. It is also endless with no bottom. No one who has dared to venture to its depths have returned. Many takes a trip to the system for suicidal actions. Others do it for personal reasons. It is a huge idol in their cultures, and even their religion. 

The Shyviironians: Alright! Here we go!

Besides the species that were introduced in the last part, there are about over 200 varied species, and a many number of hybrids among. Shyviironinas have not discovered the entire population among their midsts, mainly because they cannot keep up with each other. Look at Earth and how populated it is. Now times that in size of land and creatures by 2. Of course they would have trouble documenting all their different species. 

THERE IS NO EXACT GOVERNMENT, ONE SPECIES OR INDIVIDUAL IN CHARGE. They all consider themselves as one big family, as Shyniivonians. They are a peaceful lot, and hate war, abuse, and all other aspects of violence. 

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