Chapter 7: Rebellion

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They brought me back to the cage what seems like hours ago, after I was passed around for a while.

Now, it's quiet. Mainly all the creatures around me are asleep, and I figured it must be night here.

I sigh and try to sleep, but thoughts of the unknown and fears of my fate continues to fill my mind, leaving me a twisting and turning mess.

I roll over onto my stomach, groaning. I just want to sleep.

Forever passes by, and soon, the other creatures start to wake up, one by one. I shrink into the nest when the white aliens starts to enter and roam around the halls.

A certain familiar one walks up to my cage and opens it. He steps in and sits down like last time.

Oh no.

Like last time, he pulls out a bottle of milk, and beckons me over. This time, I ignore him, digging deeper in the nest.

He sighs and leans forward, his huge and long arms reaching for me. I gasp and back up, but his hand digs in and finds my wrist.

I flail about as he pulls me out, hay sticking to my hair. He grumbles quite soothingly as I am pulled to his chest.

I kick and thrash about as he restrains me the same way and cradles me. He hums as he puts the bottle to my mouth and pushes it in.

This time, I'm going to do everything to not swallow the stuff. It's thick and slick like oil and rubber mixed together, and the taste is worse than rotten eggs, There's little clumps along with it, making the texture horrible...I shudder as he squeezes some drops in.  


As I start to feed my charge, he puts up a bigger fight, and I am forced to tighten my hold.

He whimpers, fresh tears glistening in his eyes as he stares at me pleadingly. "Hush now. You need to eat, little one." I say guiltily as I squeeze some more in his mouth.

This time, he manages to push the drops back out through the corner of his lips, and I frown.

Dropping the bottle, I grab a rag and wipe his face before trying again.

Somehow, he does the same thing.

"Come on, buddy. We need you to eat." I scold as I try yet again, with no new results.

Hrae walks up, placing a Tiukle back in her cage, freshly bathed. She glances at me and frowns when she notices my stress.

"Meilith?" I growl as he continues to push out the food, refusing to swallow.

Interference (A Human Pet Tale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora