Chapter 4: A Bit Of Venom

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I growl when they walk in, testing the ropes' length for the hundredth time.

"Easy, boy." One of them murmurs, hands up as they approach, the compress and plastic lidded bottle present.

I back up against the pole I am tethered to, but that only delays the inevitable. My tail swishes back and forth, pounding against the pole as they lunge with practiced maneuvers.

I am untied from the pole, slid across the room, and the compress connected to a pole like a broom stick is pressed against my back to keep me pinned there.

This happens in less than five seconds.

My growls increase in volume as one of them walks up and kneels, placing his large, strong hands around my neck.

I writhe and thrash, but the compress gets heavier on my back, immobilizing me by pressing on some very sensitive pressure points.

"I know, I know." The alien mumbles as he lifts me, keeping hands clenched around my neck and jaw.

Other hands hold my body in place as I am lifted, paralyzed.

The bottle comes into view, and the pressure points in my neck and jaw are pressed. My mouth opens loosely, and my dripping fangs closes on the plastic lid of the bottle, puncturing it.

My venom is milked out of me this way, each bite getting more and more drops into the bottle.

The pain is dull and throbbing, and finally, when my pressure points are pressed once again, my mouth does not open.

The sign that all my venom is gone for now.

I whimper as I am placed on the nest, a hand stroking my head. "Shh, it's okay." The lead guy soothes as my body is washed with cool rags.  

I allow sleep to take over. 


I stroke the venomous Jias up and down his bony spine as his chest lifts and falls with each tired breath.

The extraction of his venom is exhausting for him, but it must be done. In his homeland, on the planet Vuis, it would not need to be done.

A Jias' venom is powerful; it can kill with a few drops. It was needed to help the Jias fight off much bigger predators, because, among the other inhabitants of Vuis, Jias' are at the bottom of the food chain.

Their skin is brightly colored, and comes in different shades, patterns, and spots to warn predators of their poison.

This certain Jias is bright neon green, with dark blue and purple splotches running among his scaly skin.

His tail is long and powerful like a whip, and it is curled up around him many times. The tip has a large white horn protruding from the end; another protection against predators that would consider him for lunch.

The downside of all of this? Why we're extracting his venom?

If Jias don't get rid of the venom daily, more and more will build up in their fangs, thus seeping into their skulls and killing their own hosts.

Jias are known to bite off predators daily on their home planet, because they are constantly hunted; they are extremely popular among the food chain.

Here, this Jias doesn't need to defend himself hour by hour, constantly.

Because of that, we must milk his venom daily, because overnight, he builds up the next day's dose.

It is painful to extract venom without attacking something, but it is necessary. This one has been here for only a few weeks.

He will calm down and get used to the milking eventually. All Jias' are bald, and this one is no different.

He is around 16 or so, incredibly young for his kind. A hatchling. 

I continue to stroke him during his sleep, never once faltering. Jias' live together in swarms, often cuddling up and piling on top of each other during the nights to stay warm.

He is desperately in need of a good home, like all the creatures here.  

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