Chapter 41: Family Visit Pt. 3

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I curl up on my owner's lap as he grumbles with the others around the large table. There are at least 30 adult giants seated, plus the fifteen or so children running around. 

I am happy to be where I am at the moment, in the safety of my owner. Very happy indeed. 

The edge tip of Reilzi's tail rests on my leg, and I smile at him. He grins back before wincing. A part of his tail seems to be shedding, and I frown at how uncomfortable that must be. 

We sit there as they eat, and my stomach growls loudly soon enough. My owner glances down at me, before picking up a piece of weird-looking meat. He holds it in front of my lips, and after sniffing it, I take it between my teeth, chewing it down. 

Wow. I've never tasted such good meat before. There's nothing on earth that compares to this. 

I poke his resting hand for more, and he chuckles giving in. For the rest of the meal, he feeds me snippets, and my stomach fills up rather quickly. 

Weights sits on my eyelids a few moments later, and curling tighter into a ball, I snooze off. 


I glance at Ipp, and smile at the sleeping human on his lap. "So Guilily, Ipp. We want to hear all about your pets. They seem like quite the handful." Ipp's father states, seated at one of the heads of the table. 

"Uh, well...they are. But they're worth it." Ipp starts. I let him explain the story of how we took in not only Lyon, but Reilzi later on. He explains their slight problems, and why we rather keep a tight hold on them the whole duration of our stay here. 

"While Reilzi would be okay without us accompanying him everywhere, Lyon is a different matter. I don't trust he'll like it if we left him be with the other pets. He's shy, and still learning this new world. It took him forever to warm up to and accept Reilzi. Besides, if he freaks out, Reilzi will defend him. That won't end well." He finishes, and everyone stares at us like we just grew three heads. 

"Well... that's quite the story you two have. But are you sure you want such...needy pets? I never get why you two don't settle down with a domesticated. Wilds are best suited for the sanctuaries." My mother says lightly, and I grit my teeth. 

"Lyon would not survive a sanctuary. Having all those weird creatures looking in on him like he's on display? No." Ipp hisses, clutching his cup tightly. 

"And Reilzi would just be put down because of his destructive nature. These two are ours anyways, and we love them. They're worth every minute of our attention, work, and patience." I add in, and the others grumble, upset. 

"They're animals, dearies. Sure, abuse is not right, and I'm glad Lyon was taken from Earth. I'm also glad Reilzi was taken in as well to save his life out in the wild all alone. But they are animals. Mother Nature will decide their fates for them, be it as pets or in the sanctuaries. I'm just worried you two will get so distracted by them, you'll forget your other responsibilities." My father argues, and I inhale sharply. 

"We will not abandon them. We have come so far with Lyon already, and I'm afraid giving him up will kill him. Besides...the sanctuaries may separate the two, and neither will survive that either. We're keeping them...even if it does cost us less time with our jobs." I hiss, and Ipp nods. 

"Uncle Gui?" I look down at my niece, Saevoni. "Can we play with your Jias, please?" Reilzi bristles, tucking himself closer to my chest. 

"I'm sorry, Saevi. He's not very friendly." I tell her softly, and she pouts, walking off. 

"Ipp, you can't possibly keep that human. He sounds like a defect the way you talked about him." Travis, Ipp's oldest brother murmurs, and Ipp bares his teeth at the man. 

"I will. None of you can force me to let him go." He growls, but the rest of his siblings, except for Amelia, bless her heart, laughs. 

"You wanna bet?" Miro hisses, flashing his own fangs as he stares down at Ipp. Amelia is the oldest in Ipp's family, followed by Miro, Travis, Countance, Fri, and Ipp. None of them but Amelia are really that nice, always mocking and teasing Ipp for his choices against the clan. 

"You touch my human, the glimates will arrest you. I have one's number on speed dial for Lyon...the one who took care of Lyon before the adoption. Do you really want to execute that threat?" Ipp growls lowly, and the laughter stops instantly. 

I laugh at the sulking forms, shaking my head. No one messes with the Gliamtes and go free. 

No one. 


I slam the door shut behind us, fuming. "How dare they." I hiss as I place Lyon on my bed before going to the bathroom to get a drink of water. 

Gui curls his lip as he places Reilzi down by Lyon. "The nerve of them. I'm glad you brought the glimates into the conversation. That sure shut them up." He mutters, our pets watching us. 

I clutch the edge of the counter sink, breathing harshly. 

"They're all idiots. All of them. I hate them. The only reason I still work for my dad  is because I care for the animals under my hands." I manage to say as Gui stands in the doorway. 

"Ipp, calm yourself. You're freaking out Lyon." He whispers, and I look at my boy. Trembling, he hides his face against Reilzi's chest, who is standing over him protectively. 

"You're right. Sorry." I mumble, splashing water on my face. 

"We just gotta get through the rest of the day and tomorrow, and then we can leave for home. We can do this. Let's not have a repeat of last time. Although it was quite fun to see Travis covered head to toe in batter. And to see Miro nearly drowning in the pool after you threw him in, even after knowing he couldn't swim. That was awesome." He chuckles, and I smile. 

"Or what about when you dunked your father in the feed for the rescue animals, and how they swarmed him immediately. And how your mother had to rush out to save him from the hungry things, but she slipped and tripped in the mud. Good times." I chuckle, and he laughs. 

"I forgot about that. Being the black sheep in the family sure has its perks." I nod, grinning. 

"Here, let's take this hour break to play some cards. I bet I can beat your bootie at Four Two's (Not a Real Game that I know of)

"You wish." I tease as we settle on the beds to play. Our pets watch on as we start, content in their positions. 

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