Chapter 44: Empty Fight

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I stare at the black collar in the alien's hands without any emotion. I'm numb on the inside. 

I know I cannot fight these things, and even if I did, it would make it worse. They would drug, restrain, and force me to their will if I did fight them. 

Best to let them do what they want the easiest way. 


I hate the way they treat us, I hate the vet, I hate the cages, the nests, and everything in between about this darn place. 

But I rather keep one part of me to myself, and that's my fight. Maybe if I play my cards right and cooperate, I will get adopted by a stupid owner, and be able to run away. 


I grit my teeth as the collar wraps around my neck, large fingernails scratching my back. The vet finishes her check-up after she's done with the collar, before I am picked up and carried out. 

I widen my eyes as I see Hope being carried by a different white giant, and we end up passing paths. 

Muzzled, restrained, and with a tight hold on her, her eyes are full of fury and the promise of vengeance. 

Last time she had that look, she dumped Marko in the sewage water during his sleep because he made the mistake of taunting her about something stupid. 

As we pass, she says something I can't understand behind the muzzle, and I just shake my head. 

"Please stop doing this to yourself." I whisper to her, but her eyes darken even further at my plea, turning her head away from me. 


How dare Larce ask me to stop fighting?! I hiss as I am pinned to the metal table, restraints strapping around me. 

I buck and kick like a wild deer caught in a trap, glaring at any hand coming too close. 

You touch, I hurt. That's the deal, people. 

A hand rests on my back, and I grunt, throwing my head back as far as possible, slamming it into the giant's arms. 

It shrieks, the hand leaving. 

I chuckle darkly as the others glance at their wounded friend before my head is also strapped down. 

So worth it. Hee-hee. 


I groan as I nearly throw the female in her nest, before quickly snapping the lid closed. She bumps against it, still surprising me. 

She snarls behind the muzzle that was made just for her, before retreating in the nest. 

I roll my eyes, before turning my back on her. "You okay?" I ask Guerel as he holds the bruise on his arm. 

"That one can pack a punch." He grounds out, and I chuckle. "I told you to be careful when you touch her." I remark, and he glares at me. 

"They will put her down Hrae, if she doesn't start to calm down. You know they always do with violent ones, and that one is the most violent I've ever seen. She could rival a Jias, and I would bet she would come out on top purely because of that will of hers." He says, and I sigh. 

"Yeah. I have one more week to at least mildly tame her. If not, they put her down next week." He widens his eyes at the news. 

"Any ideas?" He whispers, and reluctantly, I shake my head. 



I groan, glaring at Meilith. "I'm sorry, you want me to what?!" He watches me calmly, his hands clasped together and his arms resting on his desk. 

"I want you to help Hrae out with the wild female she's dealing with. Permanently. As Two minds are better than one, and perhaps together, you both can figure something out before they put her down next week. I rather we not rid a life." He states. 

"Meilith, come on. It's Hrae! When has she ever lost a pet?" I argue angrily, slamming my hands on the desk. 

"You will not act that way towards me, Guerel. I am your supervisor now, and I expect the respect even from you." He says icily, and I back down. 

No one would ever want to piss Meilith off. He may be the sweetest out of our original team...besides when he's not. 

I sigh, slipping into a seat and slouching. "I already have so much going on, Meilith, I'm not sure you want me for the job." I tell him, and he sighs as well. 

"I do. You and Hrae work great together, and to be honest with you? I don't trust anyone else to work besides her and be successful." I grimace at that fact, looking away. 

"Yeah, I get it. I'll help out." He smiles, leaning back in his chair. "Thank-you. You're pay will of course increase with the extra human under your care." I smile weakly. 

"Good. Cause I'm not doing this for free." He chuckles, shooing me away. I leave the room, shaking my head at him. 

Dumb supervisor. 

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