Chapter 27: The True Monsters

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I close my eyes tightly as the male on top of me forces his way with me, not caring about the pain I am in or how tired I may be.

All he cares about is his pleasure.

That's all these people care about.

He groans right as he finishes, practically squishing my face against the merciless cold tile.

He walks away, not bothering to clean me up. The sounds of the club rings in my ears as males laugh and drink, smoke filling the air from their cigars.

The smell of drugs and...pleasure waves off in rolls, and I wrinkle my nose, collapsing to the floor in a heap, breathing hard at the pain in my legs and butt.

"Calsto." A cruel voice demands, and I look up to see my master motioning me over. His smile widens as I crawl towards him, or try to.

Heavy thick chains are linked to my even more heavier chain and shock collar. It is tight around my neck; indeed, tight enough to have pushed me the brink of death on more than one occasion.

The chains connected to the collar are connected to a large metal pole, leashing me like an animal.

In their eyes, I am.

These aliens are sick and twisted...always finding fun in torturing and raping my body.

I make it as far as I can go...a few feet away from his and his best friends' table. They grin wickedly at me as master sighs, shaking his head.

"La coelsto mi-akak tat." He hisses, and one of them stands, walking over to me. Widening my eyes, I do the unforgivable.

I scramble away from the giant alien.

He bares his teeth and grabs my chains, pulling on them. My body is dragged upwards, and I try to keep breathing as I am almost choked.

Master says a few more words, and he unclips the chains before throwing me to master.

Master's horrible hands grabs me tightly, his claws digging into my skin. I cry out at the pain, thrashing in his hold.

Please stop. I have been used all night long, please, please, leave me alone.

Without another word, he slams me on him, and I cry as one of his friends holds my hands behind my back.

Another uses my mouth.

When they are done, I am thrown away from them, bleeding and aching. When Griswell walks up after a few words from Master, I inhale sharply, backing up.

The trainer grabs my hair and starts to drag me across the floor, out of the club rooms, and down to the basement.

He throws me in a room, and grabs a whip before striking it on me. I scream, running to get away. He chases after me, the large whip striking again, across my exposed back.

He corners me, and hit after hit is slammed on my weakened body. I crash to the floor, covering my face with my arms and trying to ignore all the pain.

The rest of the night goes on like this. Hours chases after each other as I huddle against the wall, a merciless whip seeking comfort from my body.

Its a type of dance we play with each other. At one point, I have accepted the whip as my friend, and with each hit, it drives me closer and closer to sleep.

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