Chapter 14: First Training Experience

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I wake up in my long was I asleep? I swear I fell asleep in that weird swing.

I sigh and snuggle into the mattress, pulling a few blankets over me.

I just want to forget everything that has happened. Unfortunately, no such luck.

The top of my room opens up, and my owner is standing over it, as per usual. I whine as his hands wraps around me, gently pulling me out of my warm bed.

I am pressed against his chest as he wraps a blanket around me, softly stroking my forehead.

He grumbles a bit as he carries me out into the living room, and when I notice some unfamiliar aliens, I gasp and instantly start to struggle.

Three brown aliens, a few feet shorter than my owner's type is sitting on the couch. Their skin is leathery, and they have sharp chiseled faces almost as narrow as a mantis'. Their bodies are as skinny as their faces, nearly like twigs.

They have six arms, and eight centipede-like legs, with the shell over them ending into a whipped tail.

I don't like this one bit.  


Lyon buries deeper into my chest as he stares wide eyed at the sliters. Sliters are known for their training of animals, and this company came highly recommended.

"Aww, he's a cutie!" The female, Thresha squeals as she stands to walk a bit closer.

"May I?" She asks, looking up at me with her bright orange eyes. Her middle pair of arms reaches out for him, and I sigh before forcibly sliding Lyon into her arms.

He squeaks and thrashes, clawing to stay in my chest.

"Shhh, now." Thresha soothes as her top arms grabs his own to restrain him.

She rotates him onto his back, and gently starts to bump him up and down like one would do with a baby.

He whines and continues to struggle as she expertly uses her last pair of arms to immobilize his legs.

"There, there, honey." she whispers as he looks up at her, eyes glistening with tears.

Finally, he calms down enough to where he's just shaking, and she smiles down at him.

"That's a very good boy." She praises, stroking his forehead down to his nose lightly. He sneezes, and we chuckle.

"Hmmm." She mumbles as she rubs his belly, clicking lightly. "Now that he is relatively calm, I'm going to place him down and see what he does. We'll handle him, you can watch, ok?" She mumbles to us and Gui and I nod before settling on the couch.

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