Chapter 30: Time Apart; Two New Faces

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I jump in my seat as Lyon and Reilzi appear, rolling around on the floor on top of each other. The Jias holds certain bag in his tail, smirking as Lyon tries to reach it. 

Ipp and I helplessly watch the two for a moment, and I cringe as Lyon rips off a few delicate sales long the Jias' tail. Those are definitely going to itch when they grow back. 

Reilzi, thinking the same thing, growls, his whole mood changing. 

Suddenly, he is on top of Lyon, pinning the boy down on his stomach, clamping his tail on his back. His claws moves to rake down Lyon's back, and that is when Ipp and I intervene. 

"Reilzi! No!" I shout, standing and moving to the two. Reilzi pauses, tilting his head as he looks at me, confused. His sharp claws are merely an inch away from the delicate human's skin. 

Lyon pants and struggles underneath the Jias, but the Jias keeps his attention on his alpha, which is me. 

I walk up and kneel besides him. He's only going to learn by experience. I gently scrape my more blunt claw across the human's back, and he whines as I draw blood. I wince, looking away as Ipp moves to stroke his head. 

I gently lift my claw, and Reilzi stares with amazement at the scratch. 

"Humans are very delicate, Reilzi. He is a human. They don't have tough skin. One cut from those claws of yours can severely wound him, unlike those of your kind. I understand you were just punishing him for his actions, but he can't withstand the way your kind punishes each other." I explain slowly, and Reilzi blinks as he takes in the news. 

He whimpers, immediately withdrawing his hands. He looks up at me, tears filling his eyes. 

"Oh, hey, it's ok." I grunt as he jumps into my arms, sobbing at the fact he could have hurt his nestmate. "Shhhh, you didn't know." I murmur, stroking his head as his tail wraps around my waist. 

Ipp closes the wound carefully, and picks up Lyon. 

We glance at each other, and I sigh. "These two need some time apart, I think." Ipp nods, frowning. "I was going to take him to the vet and to get groomed soon. Perhaps I can take him today and give you two space to talk more about what Lyon can and cannot handle, how Reilzi can discipline him when needed, and how to earn Lyon's trust and love." I nod, smiling. 

"That sounds fantastic." I agree, and soon, Ipp is packing Lyon in the large crate. "We'll be back." he mutters, and I nod a goodbye. 

I change my attention to my pet, and he nuzzles my neck, seeking comfort. 

I stroke his back gently, before walking in our room to begin a very long, but much needed talk. 


Interference (A Human Pet Tale)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt