Chapter 17: New World

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The drive is silent as my owner seems to be in deep thought. I stay hunched under the blanket covering me, too scared to move. 

Something is happening, and I don't like how tense it's making my owner. 

When the car comes to a stop, I am shaking. My owner sighs and places a blanket over the carrier, keeping me blind of the world. 

This does not help me, since last time this happened, I was taken to those white monsters. 

As patiently as possible, I let myself be jostled in the carrier, my ears catching hushed grumbling conversations. 

My heart beats wildly as the carrier stops for a bit, then more grumbles. More movement, and then...the lid slides open and I blink up at the light. 

Instead of an all-white monster peering over me, is a white monster with color splotches all over him. A mixture of colors at that. 

Relaxing just a bit, I stare up at him, frozen in shock. And then his clawed hands reaches inside, and I yelp, scrambling away from the hand. 

With all the extra gear on my body, though, the hands easily grasp me, and I breathe harshly as he lifts me out of the carrier. 

My owner watches from a distance, behind a glass wall to be exact. My heart stutters as I am lied down on a metal table. 

Large claws gently press me down as about three or four aliens clicks to each other, all with the same patterns on them. 

I whine, unable to help it as one walks up to the one holding me down, the two immersing into a conversation. 

My owner also speaks through the glass and they hesitate before nodding, a different alien walking up with a huge gun-looking thing. 

I instantly thrash against the paws on top of me, and they grumble with each other before a different set of paws grabs my head and holds it still. 

I can't move myself anymore. A distressed sound leaves my throat as the large gun moves to the side of my head, and disappears from sight. 

A large uncomfortable cold pressure touches against the spot, and I yelp, desperately struggling against the hands. 

I don't move an inch. 


I sigh as the human's eyes widen, and nostrils flare. "He is ok. It's more fear than pain, trust us. We hate putting animals in pain. Especially the ones under our care." I explain to the owner of the human as the large needle gun enters a large vein in the human's temple. 

"What are you doing again?" Ipp asks weakly, gnashing his teeth. 

I smile softly. "Most humans driven by fear like yours are usually startled by their senses. Did you know they are practically led by their first senses? They don't even have second or third senses like we do." I pause to let my words sink in. 

He frowns at the information. 

"For instance, we Glimates have a set of second senses in our necks, where we can practically speak in a second voice to widen our search for a mate if need be. I heard you Efolias have a third sense in your hands that helps you hide your scent glands when you touch things. Humans only have first senses, which is the normal touch, smell, taste, hear, and feel."  He widens his eyes at the new bit of information. 

"But because of that, humans are extremely reliant on those senses, especially with their sight. We Glimates are white. He only sees the color white when he sees us now, because that to him means something to fear. His first nights with our kind in the center you adopted him from were no doubt traumatizing. He doesn't trust us. If we take away the color in his sight for the time being, and teach him that we truly mean no harm, hopefully that'll warm him up just a bit. That's the first step we usually try with humans." Guy frowns. 

"So you'll be tricking him. How high are the success rates?" I shrug, shaking my head. 

"It depends on the human. Some just hate touch period, but he's not giving that strong of a reaction to our touches as those types. Which is surprising, considering his background. Some like him usually leave here with a mechanism in their head, where they can choose what to see and when just by thinking. And some..." I break off, leaving the unspoken comment hanging. 

Ipp understands immediately, and stiffens. 

"You have to understand that if they don't want our care or help, we'll have to give them up either to a sanctuary, zoo, or just put down. We can't take them back to earth, because as always, our top priority is the animals' well-being. We took them for a reason." 

We fall into silence after that, turning our attention back to the room behind the glass. 

"Shh." One of our top vets murmurs as he strokes the human's head. They finish with the first needle, and move on to the second. This slight operation requires four, but they're mostly painless. 


I'm crying. 

I feel the tears fall down my cheek as they place the last needle in my head, their grumbles a constant machine of patterns I don't care about. 

I am exhausted. 

I am hungry. 

I am cold. 

I shut my eyes when the pressure leaves, breathing heavily. The hands stroking me scratches lightly under my neck, and when I open my eyes, it's like all color has been leaked out of them. 

I can only see grays and blacks. 

I blink to try to see normally again, but nothing changes. I sigh and slump against the table, giving up. I'm too tired to care anymore. 

I am picked up and carried out, practically drooping in something's arms as they carry me around for a bit. 

Before I know it, I am placed in a large kennel-like cage with a huge nest just like my fist few days with these aliens. They place me right in the middle of it, and without another word, leave me be. 

I fall asleep to this new world. 

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