Chapter 32: Help Granted

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I pet the human on my lap as I explain his behaviors to the pet psychologist in front of us. She jots down some notes here and there, asking questions every now and then. 

Lyon has fallen asleep, breathing steadily, one of the only times I catch him doing so. 

When I finish, Dr. Alcota looks up and smiles. "I see. He is quite the handful, but the fact that you are sticking with him through all this makes me very happy. Most new owners at this point would think about taking him back. I am so glad he has a home and an owner like you. That will be a huge step in working with him, after all." She starts, glancing at Lyon curled up against me. 

"It is very good news to me that he also looks to you in his most vulnerable and exhausted states. It tells me that even though he may be...difficult around you, he accepts you, even if begrudgingly. The reactions he has when he is taken from you is a good step in the right direction. Whether or not he shows it, or even realizes it himself, he accepts you. That is the truth of the matter." She continues, and I smile, running my fingers through his hair. 

"Now...I hope you brought along the Jias?" She asks, and I nod, smiling. "I wasn't going to...but I thought maybe you could help us with them? Lyon was in a crate all yesterday afternoon, night, and morning with Reilzi, and he still won't accept the Jias. Reilzi is starting to get impatient, and when he hits that point, it won't be good." I worriedly state, and she nods. 

"Yes, it won't." She sighs and stands, walking over to me. "May I?" She asks, and I nod as she grabs my boy from me. 

He wakes instantly and his breathing tightens as he realizes the predicament he's in. He whines, clawing at the Glimate as she carries him over to a padded bed/table. It is longer, like a bed, and built with comfortable padding. 

She places him on it, and steps back as he eyes her, confused. He looks down at the bed, then back at us. 

"Just as I figured. He freaks out in situations, because he knows what is going to happen...or think he does. For instance, when he saw me placing him on the bed, he expected to be pinned and/or restrained on it. Since I haven't done such a thing, now he is confused." She explains as Lyon eyes us, before looking down at the bed underneath him again. 

I nod as we watch him closely. After a few minutes, he huffs and plops on the bed, unable to ignore how comfy it is. His eyes droop, and once again, he falls asleep. 

"I am guessing he was up all night with Reilzi?" She chuckles, and I smile. "Yeah." I chuckle with her. 

"Hmmm. Well now. He doesn't like to be touched much. I think that may be one of his problems.  Haphephobia, is what I mean. The intense and overwhelming fear of being touched. I would guess it is because of his past with his old pack." She mutters, jotting down a note. 

I swallow thickly. "He seems fine with me, even when I carry him around, as long as I don't freak him out." I state, and she smiles. "An effect of him accepting you, I assume. Any people he doesn't like or know, such as when I picked him up, he reacts this way, correct?" Hesitantly, I nod. 

Interference (A Human Pet Tale)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz