Chapter 39: New Beginning

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I close my eyes tightly as the pain in my back overwhelms me. 

The giants surrounding me pets and tries to calm me as a certain one rubs some stuff on it. Just leave me alone in peace so I can die already! You guys wanted my body in the first place! Why drag this on?

I grumble, wincing at the cold touch of the thick substance coating my back. 

The pain fades bit by bit, and all I am now is a heap of exhausted limbs and fur. "There we go." One of them murmurs, her hand rubbing my ears. 

I try snapping my head away, forgetting that I am strapped down. 

For a second, the table I am on moves shakes with my weight, before the giants steadies it and the group chuckles. 

The hands at my ears leaves me be, and I sigh in relief. 

At least I get something I wanted. Even if it was a small thing. I'll take any victory at this point. 

"Alright buddy." Another one says as they start unstrapping me. I instantly throw myself against them, but they hold me tightly. 

I am maneuvered into one giant's arms, who then proceeds to sit down on the floor, holding me tightly. 

I flinch as my back touches his chest out of reflex, but I feel none of the pain I was expecting. 

The giant behind me chuckles as another walks up and drops a bowl of soup in front of us. "There you are. It's a good soup. You'll love it." She sweetly says as I ignore the bowl. 

"Very well, buddy. I really don't want to force you." She sighs as she settles down as well, picking up the bowl and waving it in front of me. 

I snap my head away, slamming my hands against the arms around me, trying to escape the unwanted, vile hold. 

Suddenly, two fingers pinches my nose closed, blocking my airway. 

Before I know it, I have to open my mouth to breathe, and a spoon of the soup shoves inside. A hand clasps around my mouth, forcing me to swallow the soup. 

It's good. But I don't want it. 

This continues until the bowl is empty besides a few drops of liquid, and the giant holding me continues to pet my head. 

I wriggle on his grasp, wanting you. 

You fed me, okay?! Let me go you stupid things!

"Easy, easy, you're okay. Relax." The giant says in my ear as he starts rocking back and forth. No way are you going to cuddle with me, mister. 

No freaking way. 

I kick out, hissing. You dumb oaf! Stupid, dumb--


He goes lax against me as the drug from the soup does its work effectively. Leah smiles as I hand him over to her. 

"He's such a youngling. How he could wish for his death hurts me so." She whines as she clutches the Riofla close to her swollen chest.

Having just bared her first pup, she's a bit larger than average, to be able to protect her pup from harm, keep him warm at night, and feed him well. 

I stretch as I stand. 

"He's lived through so much, Leah. If we can't convince him to live soon, I have no idea what we're going to do." I sigh, pacing the floor. 

Leah looks up as she rocks him, her eyes watching me. 

"We'll find a way." She whispers, and I just scoff. 

"We always say that! We always do, and yet, he's managed to nearly smash his head against the table the other day. He can't take much more damage, Leah. He can't." 

I growl clutching my hands into fists. 

"We'll find a way." She just says and we fall into heavy silence. 

A way. There's gotta be a way. 


I look around the room, bewildered. They have taken me to a large room. It has so many objects and things lying around, and I back up a bit. 

The giant whose legs I just ran into bends over, smiling, as he picks up an object, and holds it out. 

Warily, I sniff it, sneezing lightly. 

Hesitantly, I touch it, and as soon as I do, I gasp. It is as soft as my fur! I rub my face against it, before grabbing it completely from the giant, and he chuckles as I hold it tightly, a purr leaving my chest. 

I can't remember the last time I purred like that. 

Amazed at the round fluffy sphere that is plush and comfortable, I rub it happily with my hands. 

"Oh dear. And you haven't even seen what else there is. I wonder how you're going to react with blankets, if that was your reaction with a pillow." The giant leaning over me chuckles as his hands scratches my head. 

I humm, ignoring the comment as I continue to enjoy the pillow, as he called it. 

I look around the room at the many other objects lying around, and slowly crawl over to some rope-looking things. 

What could these be?

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