Season 6/UtWF Scene 11

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*Inside the building, of E.M.B.E.R. and the Authorities*

Keon: That Man... *Referring to the Dude in the Armor* I take orders from no one, and he forced me to let those people go, which one of those people having to be a student from New Bostin. *Pounds the fist on the desk* I want him targeted!!

Employee #3: Sir, we're readng some heat signature, from outside the building..

Keon: could it be...

Employee #2: We're not sure, sir.

Keon: Send men down there to deal with this threat...

Employee #5: Yes Sir.

*Suddenly the fuse blew out, soldiers had their guns out and about and in position, they heard a slide and a long screeching noise, like all the sudden you would hear a sword being pulled out of its scabbard, there was slashing, screaming, screeching, and smashing, the lights flickered only a few times, but the form that took out those men, was none other than a monkey in a suit with guns and a katana, what could his mission be?*

*Pan back to the group, now entering the building, I'm going up the stairs, they searched through the Halls some had dead bodies and blood shown*

Arlo: Whatever you do do not lower your guard we are not alone out here.

Me: Indeed.

*When we got to the final floor, where Keon was at, we then saw who is causing all the blood and dead bodies on the previous floors, but it looked like that monkey was in trouble, those men just kept coming and shot his feet, his hands*

Me: Arlo, listen to me, activate that barrier around that monkey.

*Arlo did as I said*

Keon: What the-! Someone else is here, two or four of you search the entire room, go through every door!


We are gonna take a step back and try and do some alternative endings for this scene... So sit back and relax, enjoy the alternative endings

Me: *whispers* it looks like they knew we are here, but not where we are... What do we do?

*Four choices, All of them are right*

1. Arlo and John Cover while the rest take out the Guards and Save the monkey.

2. Seraphina and John Dash as fast as possible, and All Escape with the Monkey.

3. Blyke and John Laser their way and save the monkey.

4. Remi, Me, and John Lightning our Way in, and Escape with the Monkey.

Comment down below which number we should pick.

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