Season 5 Episode 10: Lisa Simpson's Redemption

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This episode Talks About After Lisa Simpson was Forgiven and Was Offered to Work with the Warvengers, Finally, Seeing the truth of the Warvengers she begins to balance herself in nicely and who knows what happens next. LET'S GET ON WITH IT!!!


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The Warvengers in a comfortable spot, we managed to step through any danger known to creature, So Now we must rest, only today will we take a flashback to a certain Redemption of Lisa Simpson.

Lisa S.: Hey Guys, Lisa Simpson here, I know what you are thinking, What Happened To you after Darth Budhiss? Well, Let's take a Flashback as to what happened.


*Lisa still in her Suit but the helmet off, Brutally Tired and Injured was helped over to my office, Due to the Simpson family giving her a hand*

Me: I will speak to her alone.

*They Help Lisa to her seat, and They leave and close the door behind them*

Lisa: *sighs* I take it this is not really good news for me, because of what I done right?

Me: are you saying you're trying to finally realize the gravity of what you've done, or better yet what your "Darth Buddhiss" instincts have led you to?

Lisa: Yes Sir... I think my bones still hurt a little bit... I am still an embarrassment catapult, and I'm finally starting to realize that changing someone else isn't always the best idea...

Me: Everyone makes mistakes every now and then, your mistakes however... they are pretty bad, but I am not one to make you a slave... I only would ask someone who makes that big of a mistake to try to improve think about what they've done and see if they can change, try to unleash the feelings inside on something else rather than someone who doesn't deserve it.

Lisa: Right... This is my fault... if I haven't been so "showboaty" and "overachieving." I think it's best for me to just take some time off, I think going under a nice is probably the best idea for me.

Me: Are you saying your mind might lead you somewhere else again and you want to prevent it by going under in ice?

Lisa: Yes, I know my family really wanted me back but I really don't want to go against you guys, again... seeing how my mind isn't adjusted and in the right set of mind, I just can't risk bringing the Warvengers down again...

Me: how long do you think you need?

Lisa: About 2 Weeks...

Me: I see how and why you can take this punishment... but you know it's just going to drag your family at just a bit further away until the second week ends.

Lisa: Right... I'm not trying to do this on purpose because I'm afraid of messing things up again, although that seems like partially the reason, but the main reason is I am just not in the correct set of mind and I feel like being under ice will hopefully help me. Because of how cold it can be, how punishing it can turn out to be, and how much of a learning experience it will become when I'm inside of it.

Me: You sure you wanna do this?

Lisa: whatever it takes for me to adjust, I need this.

Me: Alright, Come With me.

*In the Ice Chamber room, where The Simpson family meets her there and the doctors are setting up the chamber*

Bart: are you sure this is what you want Lis'?

Lisa: I need to make up for what I've done Bart, I am not in the correct setting of mind at the moment, so for what it's worth, I just need two weeks to be under ice, and I will be hopefully changed, it may not be the best choice for all of us but this is what I choose...

Bart: I'm so happy for you, Lisa. *Hugs his sister, as the others join in one last hug before she gets in*

*Now the camera pans between Lisa Shutting her eyes, it also shows her wearing earplugs so that she doesn't freak about the ice coming up, The chamber closes, and the Ice settles in, Leaving Lisa simpson Frozen and asleep, The camera now pans to Marge silently in tears still holding Maggie while looking out the window, I walk beside her*

Marge: Thank You Sir.

Me: it's going to be a tough two weeks, for the rest of you, I am terribly sorry... she chose this as her punishment and for her heal and relief, this was her choice... all we can do is pray but the operation is a success by the end of the second week.

Marge: I don't know who else knows of what Darth Budhiss has done with Lisa, but if they find out Lisa is here... I don't know what's going to happen to her.

Me: No one else knows... and We'll make sure of that.

*2 Weeks Later, after that*

Mii: Sir, Lisa Simpson's Ice Chamber has reached the deadline.

Me: notify the Simpson family, let's hope this works.

*In the Ice Chamber room, We see the ice defrosting slowly and the chamber opening as the ice was completely drained, Lisa slowly opened her eyes, as she let out a few Yawns and stretched a bit*

Bart: How are you doing, Lis'?

Lisa: So much better... *She hugs her brother*

Bart: I bet those two weeks under that ice was really worth it for you.

Lisa: Yeah... I honestly will be devastated if the same thing happened to you and you would have to go under ice...

Bart: Eh.. something similar to that did happen but I did not go under ice, I think it was that time when lightning zapped me while changing the power line maybe, but I think it was during a storm, Which was super dangerous, I'm pretty sure you know how the rest goes.

Lisa: Yeah I Do, bottom line it is good to be back.

Bart: Hear Ye! *The whole family hugs Lisa, When suddenly there was rumbling*

Me: What was that?

*Everyone in the room saw Bleak trying to weaken the shield*

Mii: Bleak???


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