Season 4 Episode 8: Morag for More?

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This episode talks about a villain easily disobeying her orders and immediately starts changing her ways finding out the warvengers are more than what she thought they were, Will she join them or Put aside her second thoughts and Retreat?? Let's begin.


Intro: The Warvengers expanded across the globe and the multiverse, Members and Leaders Keeping a Good Teamwork relationship between eachother to keep a strong company together as one, Hope is now rising like a peregrine falcon at his highest speed on the drop but up, While The enemy Waits impatiently to strike, Morag, The evil Loud House Witch Disobeys her orders to wait and decides to strike The warvengers from defending the world any longer.

*Cut to Morag and an Army Of Singetails flying to the Headquarters*

Mii Trooper: Hey sir, We seem to be picking up readings of an army of some kind of Dragon? and A Person Riding the lead one.

Me: I will have to tell hiccup the news, get me more specific readings on that person flying the lead Dragon.

Mii Trooper: Yes Sir.

*I was able to Tell Hiccup The News, As He And I Saw the Dragons Coming in Circling the Headquarters*

Me: It can't be... Morag, That Evil Loud Hater... Hiccup, assemble your team, be sure to soothe the Singetails and do not engage.

Hiccup: Got It.

*He Went To Get his team*

Me: On My Signal, Lower the Shields.

Mii Trooper: Yes Sir.

*Hiccup and His Friends were Just outside the Entrance waiting*

Me: Now.

*The shields were lowered and I used the Force to try and tame Morag's Dragon to get her off, It was not easy, But it was not hard either, I told it inside to the other Singetails to stand down we mean no harm, The Singetails Landed and Just Didn't Attack when landing*

Me: Hiccup, Take the Singetails Inside, I will deal with the rider.

Hiccup: Yes Sir, I hope you know what you are doing.

Me: Pretty Much.

*2 Hours Later, I was Flying a ship and Morag was seated with Two Guards At her side so she wouldn't try anything behind his back, But judging by Her Legs chained to below the Seat and Her Wrists Cuffed up to her Arms, How could She Escape?*

*Landing At Scotland, Lincoln was shocked to See Morag back*

Me: We Need to talk about what to do with her.

*1 Hour Later, Morag is Seen Still Cuffed but in her seat in the meeting room, With Angus, Lincoln, Rita, Lynn Sr, The Guards, and Myself*

Morag: *chuckles* I Don't see what all the fuss is about..

Lincoln: Do you not truly feel the gravity of what you have done to the family who truly owns this Castle? and it's descendants?

Morag: In My Mind, the Louds Were bad, They were Chaotic and messy.

Me: And they Still are, But that does not give you the permission and the nature to kill, banish, or even embarrass the louds, Not even one of them, all humans are chaotic and messy in their own way it's just who they are everybody has their own normal.

Morag: Give or take that my family's normal is peace and quiet, Thank you very much.

Lincoln: we can still give you peace and quiet, but that depends if you want to change and be better to do what your ascendant could not, I am not looking for war between you and louds anymore..

Morag: I take it I have missed a lot while I was recovering with Sidious.

Me: We can discuss that Later, other than that, yes, you did miss a lot... now, the choice is yours, you can keep the feud between you and the louds, or you can let Lincoln help you make peace, and Never want to start wars between the louds ever again, Lincoln is a peaceful treaty starter, he will be willing to do anything, anything it takes... to have you agree to make peace with the Louds.

Morag: Anything...

Me: Yes, Anything...

Morag: Well, Lincoln.... if peace is what you want between me and the louds including you, Then all I have in mind to make this work is just one thing.


*5 Hours Later*

Me: We must never speak of what happened here today.

Lincoln: Yep, well at least where I was able to make peace with the louds including me.

Me: Yeah... it's going to be your job to make sure you do not tell Ronnie Anne, Stella, or anyone you love about this...

Lincoln: Yes Sir, Have A safe flight back home.

Me: Thanks, Have A Good One, and Show Morag the roots when she is ready.

Lincoln: Yes Sir.

*I Get in my flier and head back to the original Headquarters, Only did The louds Know, The Evilness and Chaos of Morag is no more*


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