Season 5 Episode 3: Meet Bleak At it's Highest peak

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This episode Was brought possible Thanks To DeviantART User "HT-Doodles" This episode talks about the main villain and how he meets the Warvengers, Be sure to check more of what this user has in store besides the "Bleak Circumstances" Comic. Let's get on with the Show!


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*It Was a stormy day, and It couldn't get any worse, Except for a White fox in a Black Tailcoat and Pink demonic Eyes*

Mii Soldier: Sir, I think we're picking up something on our scanners, It looks like a white fox.

Me: I see... Open the Shields, He and I Are gonna have a talk, A silent one, Don't send a pack of soldiers til' I say so.

Mii soldier: Yes Sir.

*The Shields were opened, The fox came out of the shadows and appeared to be none other than Bleak, He thought to himself "Shouldn't have done that." He then saw me come out*

Me: You seem pretty dark and silent for someone who lost so much, So powerful now, But weak on the inside.

Bleak: who said you could invade my life.

Me: I was about to say the same thing about you walking on my property.

Bleak: Your Words have power despite being disabled...

Me: I prefer the term "diagnosed."

Bleak: You don't look strong and you don't look weak...

Me: honestly, I'm going to say the exact same thing about you.

Bleak: You are one to tell the truth, that's for sure. Why don't you open your mouth and say that I will defeat you in your place.

Me: to be honest, I will grab you by those bottom teeth of yours and bring you down into a strong knee kick if you say that again.

Bleak: Why don't we find out?

*I spark two of my Green Lightsabers*

Me: Okay. You want it, Then come get it.

*Me and Bleak paced in a circle facing eachother, Bleak was getting a bit impatient, He finally charged and surprisingly with Super Speed, I was able to save myself with my Metal Skin and Enhancements making a huge divot in the ground, I used my Wind and Earth Powers to Create a Cyclone and Distract him, While I was invisible using my Water Powers to blend into the background.*

Bleak: You are full of surprises, Like you didn't tell me you like to hide.

Me: That's funny, coming from a guy, who frowns and doesn't like to talk. Pathetic.

Bleak: I will show you who's "Pathetic."

Me: I don't know about that... well, let's find out. Remember, you came here and you wanted this.

Bleak: touche

*I land a few hits on Bleak, and I was able to dodge some of his super strength hits and counter a lot of them with The Metal Powers, I have...*

Bleak: You are quite Brave. Yet a little stupid...

Me "Sarcastically" Ha ha, don't make me laugh.

Bleak: has your life ever changed you.

Me: okay, to be honest I want to put out a truce that if I don't talk about your life, you better not talk about mine.

Bleak: Fine.

*We Battled for a little Longer, and then it was clear I was able to Hold my ground for long enough, So he stopped*

Bleak: You have defended yourself, well, but I'm afraid this was not the day nor time, Our Fate decides who wins.

Me: I couldn't agree, no winning, no losing.. I don't think I ever underestimated your skills ever not even your strength.

Bleak: You are a caring and respectful boss to your team that I wish mine was just like you.

Me: Sidious?

Bleak: Indeed... you know him?

Me: he and I encountered one time, I was able to hold my ground against him but he wasn't satisfied with how well I fought. Speaking of which whose side are you on, I think what I'm getting from all of this and what your time me either from your mind or from your mouth, is that the way I treat my team is caring and I am able to Aid them along in their mission, and sidious came to you gave you what he thought you wanted and he sent you here to try and defeat me...

Bleak: That was honestly really close...

Me: what do I seem to be missing from this...

Bleak: not much, but you did give me an idea of what I'm going to do next.

Me: What's That?

Bleak: Well what I'm going to be doing next does not involve killing you or your team. Your lightsabers... how were you able to wield them.

Me: Trained... I was able to learn the ways of the force, both light and dark.

Bleak: I need you to Arm Me with two sabers, I've been under sidious's grasp for long enough.

Me: Are you sure you think you can take out Sidious he's like one of the most powerful and tempting villains, I've ever seen.

Bleak: I think I know what you mean his words don't make any sense, he does stuff without permission, I want to be on my own side.

Me: *I use the force to grab Two Darksabers from out of nowhere and hand them to Bleak* there's hope for you yet, bleak.

Bleak: you still may not want to lose your grip though.

Me: Will do, you have my support if you ever need it. Truce? *I Put my hand out to shake it, As He did to agree to terms*

Bleak: Deal.


What do you think should happen to Bleak along this season, Comment Down Below.

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