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THE PLANS FOR FUTURE BATTLES✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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303 AC, Stark-Targaryen Camp, Crownlands

Alyssa gasped in surprise when Jon twisted her sword out of her hands, causing it to fall to the ground with a thud. He raised his own sword to her neck and his lip quirked up in a small grin, "Do you yield, mother?"

"I don't know whether to be proud or horrified that I've just been beaten by my own son," Alyssa grinned proudly. "You are definitely better with a sword than me, dear," her grin turned into a smirk, "but I'm still smarter." She nudged his chest with the flat side of her Valyrian steel dragon dagger, just by his heart.

"You don't play fair," Jon muttered, taking a step back to allow her to pick up her sword.

"I can't afford to play fair," Alyssa shrugged. "I may make up for my lack of raw strength with speed, but without a few tricks up my sleeve I would have been dead years ago. When you fight a battle the only thing that matters is they you come out alive."

"And when you spar with your own son?" Jon raised a pointed eyebrow.

"Then it's about pride and humility. Pride, because I gave birth to you so I can't be defeated by you. Humility, because as your mother it's my duty to make sure you stay humble," Alyssa explained, using the sword as a stick to lean on. "Especially since you are so very arrogant compared to all your siblings," she added teasingly.

"Aye, they are all so well-known for their Lannister-humility. Especially Ed," Jon said sarcastically.

"He gets that from his father," Alyssa sighed dramatically. "Definitely not me. I'm the best at being humble.  I might be the most modest person in Westeros which is quite impressive considering how important I am compared to everyone else."

Jon laughed and Alyssa couldn't help but laugh along. He definitely had his father's smile. It was rare, but once it appeared it was so beautiful and contagious that it brightened up the world.

"Now, do you want some revenge?" Alyssa got into the proper stance.

"I won," Jon reminded her. "Your sword was on the ground and my sword was on your neck. Had it been a real fight I could have killed you."

"Not before I used my dagger to kill you," Alyssa shot back. "Winning a fight isn't about who first drops their sword. It's about who first drops to the ground."

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