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THE NEGOTIATIONS ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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299 AC, Renly's Camp, Stormlands

Alyssa had to admit that Renly had the command over quite an impressive army. The largest army right now and she would be a fool not to negotiate some kind of an alliance with the man that commanded more forces than Tywin Lannister.

Renly nodded and smiled to every man they passed, even though he had spent the entire journey back sulking, and with the right guidance Alyssa actually believed that he could make a decent King. He cared about his people, was liked by smallfolk and nobles alike and wasn't completely naive about how to rule after having served on his brother's Small Council for years.

When the party stopped and they dismounted their horses Alyssa was positively surprised to find Margaery Tyrell awaiting their arrival. The Tyrell rose had only grown more beautiful since the last time Alyssa saw her. She was a woman grown now with softly curling brown hair and big brown doe-eyes that made her look more innocent than she was.

"My love," Margaery said in a tone so soft and sweet that Alyssa couldn't help but snort. "I'm so glad that you have arrived back safely. My prayers have been answered."

Renly offered his wife a small smile but nothing more before striding away and Loras gave Alyssa an apologetic smile before following his King. "Lyssa," Margaery then called out with an even brighter smile, walking over to pull her into a hug which Alyssa gladly returned.

"Margaery, how lovely to see you again," Alyssa said to the younger girl, "I only wish it was under better circumstances."

"No matter the circumstances your presence brightens up this camp," Margaery said, linking an arm with Alyssa to guide her through the camp. "It gets quite lonely here without any ladies. My beloved King Renly is often busy planning to siege the throne, so I am often left alone."

"I am glad to keep you company, my dear," Alyssa decided to play along, although she was happy to see the youngest Tyrell again. "Now tell me, how is your grandmother and aunt?"

"Aunt Janna is well, thank you for asking," Margaery said, "and my Lady Grandmother is well too. Her hearing is starting to decline, but in a way she is stronger than ever."

"I am sure she is," Alyssa chuckled as Margaery led her inside her tent that was guarded by two Tyrell guards and the orange Kingsguard. "Although, I cannot help but feel like this union wasn't completely her idea."

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