Chapter 71

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Since the wedding was on a Thursday, we scheduled the reception for Friday night. After the wedding, I changed into a red gown more suitable for a fancy dinner. Sméagol and I went out to a restaurant, just the two of us, to eat our first meal as husband and wife. We ate at a romantic Italian restaurant, splitting a huge bowl of fettuccine alfredo with shrimp.

"How's my baby's dinner?" Sméagol asked sweetly.

"Amazing," I said with a mouth full of pasta. "Only fettuccine alfredo that tastes better is yours."

Sméagol giggled. "Oh, you're only saying that, because I'm your husband now, Precious."

I snickered. "Nope. I'm dead serious. You know me. I don't say stuff just to be nice."

Sméagol smiled at me. "I have something for you, my love." He handed me a wrapped box. "Happy birthday, my beautiful princess."

"Oh, thank you," I said, eagerly removing the wrapping paper, and opening the box. Inside was a beautiful necklace with heart shaped beads. The beads at the top were small, but gradually got bigger the closer they were to the bottom, center of the necklace, which contained a much larger, gorgeous amber heart. "Oh, my gosh," I said breathlessly. "Sméagol, it's... it's beautiful."

"I makes it myself, Precious," Sméagol said tenderly. "I blesses it with my spirit, so whenever you wears it, my sweet, always I will be with you... even if I'm far away. Keeps it close to your heart, my sweet, and you will never be without me."

I carefully put the necklace on, and I felt an overwhelming and truly powerful sense of warmth, peace, and love, the same feeling I get whenever Sméagol holds and sings to me. I looked at him in complete wonderment. "How did... you do that?"

"When I was still a wandering spirit, watching over you... lovely Galadriel shows me how to makes it. I makes it myself. She gave me the power to bless it with my spirit. I did. I keeps it a secret, until the time was right to reveals it to you, to gives you this gift. Galadriel asks me if there was anything I wants, anything at all to replace my precious, makes up for all my suffering. I choose this... to protects you, to loves you... always... even after we dies."

I was completely speechless. Sméagol could've asked for a ring to replace the loss of his Precious, anything to fill that void, and he chose me, even before he met me, before he even arrived as a doll. He chose to protect me. He chose to love me. He chose to be my guardian angel. He lost his Precious, but it didn't matter to him. I was more important to him... before it all even started. I didn't know what to say. All I could do was look deep into his eyes in complete awe with tears pouring from mine.

By the way, if you guys are wondering, no, I usually don't like metallic jewelry, nor do I like wearing necklaces with pendants hanging from them. They are very annoying, and I don't like the way they feel against my chest. However, this particular necklace was actually very comfortable. Amber was very sensory friendly for me, and the size of the beads close to it made it feel less like a pendant and more like it blended with the rest of the necklace. I hope that makes sense. Plus, the fact that it was made by Sméagol, and was practically an enchanted necklace didn't hurt, either.

After we finished our dinner, there was still over half of the pasta left. Yep, that's how big the bowl was. We decided to take it home with us.

That night, we got ready for bed together. I changed into my sweater nighty, and Sméagol changed into his angel onesie. I hung my necklace on the side of the headboard as we both climbed into bed together. Sméagol, once again, pulled me close, wrapping his arms, legs, tail, and his angel wings around me.

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