Chapter 50

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The next morning, Sméagol was asked to sing for our church's annual Christmas music service. He wore the same outfit he wore for our Christmas choir concert, except instead of the red snowflake sweater, he wore a bright green zip-up sweater with sparkling angels scattered all over it. The four of us arrived at the church a half hour before the service, and grabbed some cupcakes and water while we mingled with the other church goers.

Then, we made our way to the front of the church, and sat in the front row. The service started with the church's worship band performing a couple of Christmas hymns. Then, our ears were blessed with some amazing voices of talented singers performing their favorite Christmas carols and hymns.

"And, now, we have a new singer performing for us this morning, said Pastor Derek. "He joined our church this past summer, and has blessed us with his presence, goodness, and undying love for our Lord every Sunday. Today, he will be performing his own arrangement of "Instrument of Peace," as well as one of his own original songs. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Sméagol Stoor."

Everyone cheered and applauded as Sméagol stepped onto the stage, handed his sheet music to the pianist, took hold of the microphone, and smiled warmly at the congregation. "Hello," he said happily with a cute little giggle, making a few of us laugh along with him. "Merry Christmas, everybody," he said sweetly.

"Merry Christmas," we murmured with smiles on our faces.

"This first song is one of my favoriteses. Sméagol tries to do good... after all the horrible things I did in Middle Earths, Precious. It won't make up for what I did, I knows, but I never wanted to hurts anybody, never. I wants to makes everybody happy. I hopes God makes me an instrument of peace... so I can spreads lots and lots of love to everybody." He smiled, blew a kiss, and giggled softly as the pianist began to play the accompaniment.

From the moment Sméagol opened his mouth to sing, and the first note was heard, everybody was immediately captivated and moved by the sound of his voice. As he sang, the entire congregation, including the pastor, could feel the love and kindness pouring out and radiating from within him. As always, he felt and meant every word he sang, and his sweet, angelic voice filled and brightened up the entire church building.

When he finished his first song, everyone cheered and applauded loudly. He looked out into the crowd, and his heart melted when he saw the tears falling from people's eyes. "Awwwwwwww!" he cried. "Thank you! Thank you so much! Bless you all!" He blew several kisses as the crowd calmed down. He giggled again before he spoke. "I writes this last song for everybody under the sun, Precious. Comes straight from my heart it does. I writes it to lets everyone know... I prays for all of you. I hopes you all are well. I hopes you stays well. I wants everybody to be happy... and I wants you all to knows..." his eyes filled with tears as he placed his hand on his heart, "I loves you all so, so, so much. Sméagol loves everybody under the sun, Precious. Everybody is the true Precious. God bless all of you."

The audience continued sobbing their hearts out as the pianist began to play, and Sméagol sang his very first original Christmas song. Once again, he poured his heart and soul out through his words and beautiful melody. His angelic voice filled the entire building with love, light, and joy, warming everybody's heart. By the end, there was not a dry eye in the room. Everybody was sobbing heavily while cheering at the top of their lungs.

Tears poured out of Sméagol's eyes. "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" he wept. "Awwwww, thank you so much! Sméagol loves you! Sméagol loves you all so much! Merry Christmas, Precious!" He blew them lots of kisses as he made his way back to his seat, still sobbing his heart out.

At the end of the service, everybody wanted to meet Sméagol, and thank him for his performance. He was very gracious and loving to them all. He gave each of them a copy of his album, as well as a heart card, and wished them a very Merry Christmas with a big, warm hug.

"Thank you so much, Sméagol," Pastor Derek said, drying his eyes. "We really enjoyed having you sing for us today. God has blessed you with a special gift, and you blessed us with it."

Sméagol smiled warmly at Pastor Derek. "You blessed Sméagol, too," he said. "You teaches me who God is. You don't knows what that means to me."

Pastor Derek smiled graciously. "Well, I think more people need to hear your music. I'll see what I can do, and maybe we can set you up to perform at the performing arts center."

"Wait, you mean his own concert?" Hayley inquired eagerly.

"Yeah. More people should hear his message of love and hope, so I'll see if I can't get somethin' goin' for him."

Sméagol smiled brightly. "God bless you, Pastor Derek."

"Well, I would say the same to you, but I think God has already blessed you, my man."

"Awwwww," Hayley and Gollum sighed.

I smiled at Sméagol. I was really proud of him, and proud to have such an amazing, loving, caring boyfriend with a heart as pure as an angel's.

"Merry Christmas," Sméagol said, giving Pastor Derek a big hug, a copy of his CD, and a heart card.

"Thank you, Sméagol," Pastor Derek replied, returning the hug. "Merry Christmas to you, too."

"Wow," I said, "so you might get to have your own concert."

Sméagol smiled gleefully.

"You deserve it, Sméagol," said Hayley.

Gollum nodded in agreement, and gently patted Sméagol on the back.

"Hey." As we were about to leave, we heard a familiar voice. We turned around to see who it was.

My jaw hit the floor, as I immediately recognized them. "Abby?"

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