Chapter 58

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We all sat back down at the table in the living room while we all exchanged gifts for each other. I received iTunes cards from Mom, Cory, and Teresa and another soft sweater from Auntie Leslie and Uncle David. Sméagol, Gollum, and Hayley received more zip-up sweaters, including hoodie sweaters with tails from Teresa. We all received a copy of Jamal's mixtape, and Sméagol gave out copies of his CD with one of his heart cards. Gollum, Sméagol, Hayley, and I gave Riley some beautiful Barbie dolls and Andy some really neat toy dinosaurs. Mom, Cory, and the rest of the family had even managed to get Déagol some new clothes, including sweaters, sweatshirts, pants, and T-shirts. I guess Hayley told them ahead of time. Don't ask how we all knew his size, though, since he, like Gollum and Sméagol, was much taller than he was in the movie.

After the gift exchange, Sméagol, Gollum, and Déagol broke down the table, and stored it back in the attic with the extra chairs while Hayley and I put the kitchen and dining room chairs back where they belonged. Then, we moved the coffee table back, and Hayley tossed the table cloth into the wash. This all created much more room for everyone to move around the living room, especially the kids.

Andy and Riley took to Gollum and Sméagol very quickly. Gollum and Sméagol played fun games with them, made them laugh, and Sméagol, of course, was very loving towards them.

"What's it doing, Precious?" Sméagol asked Riley, who was brushing one of her dolls' hair.

"This is Mindy," said Riley. "She's getting ready to go on a date with her boyfriend."

"Oh, she looks lovely," Sméagol said, sitting next to Riley on the floor. "What a beautiful dress she wears."

"She wants to look like a princess."

Sméagol smiled. "Aww, she does looks like pretty princess. Who's her boyfriend?"

"Charlie," Riley said, picking up one of her Ken dolls. Then, she gently knocked on the floor, trying to make a knocking sound, pretending Charlie was knocking on a door. "Oh, he's here to pick her up, and take her out."

"Oh, where's he taking her?"

"Taco Bell."

Sméagol grinned. "Oh, Taco Bell is a great restaurant, yes."

"Yup. How does Mindy look?"

"Absolutely beautiful."

"Does her hair look good?"

"It looks very lovely."

"Okay. Then, she's ready."

Sméagol smiled warmly at Riley. "You have lovely hair, too, Precious."

"I do?"

"Oh, yes, so beautiful it is." He took hold of her hair, and gently played with it. "So shiny and long and soft."

Riley had long, curly, golden-blonde hair with bangs in the front.

"Awwww, and those beautiful blue eyes like the sky. You looks like a princess, too. You knows that?"

"My daddy calls me Princess."

"Awww, he's right. You are a princess. You looks like one, and you're so sweet and nice, just like a true Disney Princess."

"I'm nice?"

"You're a sweetheart."

"But, they call me a poo poo head."

"Who calls you that?"

"The other kids on the playground. They don't let me play with them, because they don't like me."

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