Chapter 17

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Hayley turned to look at Gollum, who had his hand over his face, and was in complete shock. She approached him. "You okay, Sweetie?" she asked kindly, reaching out her hand, and gently placing it around his arm.

He jerked away. "Don't touch me!" he growled.

"It's okay. It's okay. Gollum." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I won't hurt you," she said warmly. "It's okay, Sweetheart."

Gollum calmed himself down, and allowed her to take hold of his arm again.

"Come on." She led him over to the stump. "Come, sit down."

Gollum sat down on the stump, and Hayley sat next to him.

Meanwhile, back home, I found Sméagol in my room, sitting on the bed, and staring at the floor. "Hey," I said nervously.

Sméagol looked up at me, and smiled warmly. "Oh, hi, Precious," he said glumly but still so sweetly. Even when he was insanely angry, he still never lost that sweetness towards me.

I looked at him with concern.

"What is it, Sweetie?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm alright, Precious."

I sat next to him on the bed.

"Sméagol so sorry you saw that." He put his arm around me. "I didn't mean to frighten my poor baby."

"It's okay. You were really upset. You had a lot you needed to get off your chest. I get it." I sighed. "I kinda wish I had the balls to scream at Logan or Kai the way you did with Gollum."

Sméagol laughed softly, and then, sighed heavily. "Never did I think I'd ever see the likes of him again. I thought I was finally free of that bastard. So horrible he is, isn't he?"

I disagreed, but I didn't speak. Sméagol could see I was thinking of something, though.

"What?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to speak. "I... um... nothing."

"No, no, what is it, Precious? What is it?"

I hesitated.

"Tell Sméagol."

"Well, I..." I swallowed very nervously. "I don't think he's really bad, though."

Sméagol was shocked at my response. "What? Why does it say that?"

"Well, I mean, when I was watching the movies... I saw some good in him. I mean, I know he did some pretty messed up things, but––"

"No. No! No! Stop!" Sméagol shouted as he stood up. "You don't knows what you're talking about! You don't knows what that nasty Gollum put poor Sméagol through! Some nerve it has to tell Sméagol there is good in Gollum! No, you have no idea what I went through!"

My face scrunched up, and tears quickly poured out of my eyes as I realized how badly I screwed up.

Sméagol looked at me again, and his heart broke when he saw the look on my face. He put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Baby. I didn't mean to––"

"No, no," I said, trying desperately to stop crying, "it's okay. You're right. I had no right to say that to you. I... I'm sorry." I stood up from the bed, and walked out of the room.

"Oh, no, Precious..." Sméagol called after me.

I hurried down the stairs, and sat on the couch in the living room to think.

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