Chapter 23

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In the morning, we all got dressed and ready for church. Gollum chose to wear a light green sweater and a pair of pants that happened to be the exact same color.

"Awww, it looks precious, Precious," Sméagol said with a sweet, goofy grin.

Gollum giggled. "You looks wonderful, too, Precious."

Sméagol was wearing a pink sweater and gray pants. "How does it like the feel of a sweater?" he asked.

Gollum rubbed his hands against his sleeves. "Oh, so soft and luscious and... and..."


"Oh, yes, very fluffy. It tickles."

Sméagol giggled. "Yes, it does. Come, Gollum. Must see if Cheyenne and Hayley are ready to go."

Gollum followed Sméagol into the hallway, where I was waiting patiently, all ready to go. I was wearing a long, very soft, fluffy, blue sweater dress.

"Awwwww!" Sméagol cried. "Look at my little cuddle bear!" He threw his arms around me. "So cute you are, Precious." He kissed my cheek. "So cute."

I giggled with a silly grin on my face. "It's so fluffy."

Sméagol giggled.

"Awwwww." Gollum also threw his arms around me, making me the middle of a big fluffy sweater sandwich hug. "Such a cutie."

"Oh, my gosh, this is the best sweater hug I've ever gotten," I said happily. "I'm in fluffy sweater heaven."

Gollum and Sméagol both giggled as they hugged me tighter, and each planted kisses on my cheeks. However, Sméagol then sneaked in a kiss on my lips.

Gollum grinned. "Don't worry, Precious," he said to Sméagol. "Never would I dares to takes your Precious from you."

Sméagol smirked at him. "I knows," he teased. "Nobody takes my baby away from me."

I snickered as Hayley came out of her room in a dark pink sweater dress that, of course, zipped up in the front.

"You guys ready to go?" she asked with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Yes," said Gollum, "ready we are, my precious."

Hayley gently took hold of Gollum's arm, and led him to the car with me and Sméagol following close behind. Hayley helped him into the car, and even showed him how to buckle his seatbelt.

"What's this?" Gollum asked.

"It's a seatbelt," Hayley replied. "It keeps you safe while we're driving."


"You'll see." Hayley closed his door, walked around to the driver's seat, and got in.

Gollum watched as Hayley put the key in the ignition, firing up the engine. He flinched. "Oh, it vibrates!"

Sméagol giggled. "Doesn't it feels wonderful?"

Gollum giggled. "It tickles."

"You're really ticklish, aren't you?" I said.

"Oh, yes, very ticklish I am."

Hayley pulled out of the driveway, and began to drive.

"Weeeeeeeee!" Gollum and Sméagol both squealed, giggling like innocent children.

Hayley and I burst out laughing.

"Awww, you two are too cute!" Hayley laughed.

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