Chapter 62

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On New Year's Eve, we all gathered at Mom and Cory's house for a party. Cory was making steaks on the grill. Mom was making her homemade fries, along with a few hors d'oeuvres. Hayley and Déagol also prepared and brought over some hors d'oeuvres, and Sméagol made a whole slew of desserts, including chocolate cake, apple pie, brownies, and peach cobbler. He even made frosting cookies with the year 2020 written on them in glittery green, blue, and red frosting.

"Wow, Sméagol," said Mom, "these desserts look fantastic. You really baked them all by yourself?"

Sméagol nodded.

"Well, if they're anything like the cake you made at Christmas, you should open your own bakery. Actually, your own restaurant, because your meals are terrific, too."

Sméagol grinned warmly. "No. Sméagol doesn't want to makes people pays for it, Precious. Sméagol bakes and cooks with love."

"Hmm," Mom said thoughtfully.

"What is it?"

"Maybe you should cook meals for the homeless."

"Oh, I don't disagree with that," said Hayley.

Sméagol's eyes lit up. "Yes!" he said excitedly. "Yes, Sméagol love to do that!" Then, he suddenly felt sad. "Oh, so many homeless people out there, starving and freezing to death. Makes Sméagol very said it does."

"You know, Mom, Sméagol was the one who saved Jamal."

Sméagol looked at Hayley. "No, Hayley, you helpsed him, Precious. You buys his food and clothes and home, and gives him job, Precious."

"Yeah, but you were the one who found him. You approached him, and you were kind to him. And, don't forget that he said you were the reason why he kept holding on. He wouldn't be alive without you."

Mom smiled brightly at Sméagol.

Hayley continued. "His parents were really strict with him. He wasn't allowed to even have friends or go out anywhere other than school or church. They were very cold towards him, never offered any love or emotional support, and because of it, he wanted to end his life. His only escape was Lord of the Rings. Sméagol's story inspired him to keep going, despite how hard things got. When they found out he was bisexual, they threw him out... on his eighteenth birthday. A few months later, Sméagol found him outside the mall, digging through the garbage to find food."

"That makes me angry," Mom sighed. "How can any parent turn their back on their own child?"

"And, how could any parent not give their child the love and kindness and guidance and freedom they deserve?" Hayley smiled at Mom. "And, how did we get so lucky to have a mother who gave us all that and then some?"

Mom returned the smile. "No, Hayley. I'm the lucky one. I have the two greatest daughters I could ever ask for." She hugged Hayley, and looked over at Sméagol. "And, if Cheyenne says yes, I'll have one of the greatest sons I could ever ask for."

Sméagol smiled sweetly. "Awwww." He gave Mom a big hug. "Bless your heart, Precious."

"Oh, bless yours, too, Sweetie."

Soon, the rest of the family arrived just as dinner was ready, and we all gathered in the dining room for a delicious meal.

"This steak is yummy," said Riley.

Cory smiled. "Well, thank you."

Mom looked at Teresa in amazement. "Is there any food she doesn't like?"

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