Chapter 44

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So, the next day, Hayley and I, along with one of the nurses, led Sméagol to the play area in the Pediatric Cancer Ward.

"Hey, kids!" the nurse greeted with a cheerful smile. "So, I want you to meet your new playmate. This is Mr. Sméagol."

"Just Sméagol," Sméagol said politely.

"Okay, forget Mr. This is Sméagol, and he has volunteered to play with you guys. He's gonna read you stories, play games with you, whatever you want."

"He is the nicest person you'll ever meet," I said. "You'll love him."

"Yes," Hayley agreed, "and parents, don't worry. Your kids are in good hands."

"So, please make him feel welcome," said the nurse. "Although, I don't have to tell you that. You're all very sweet kids. Have fun!" Then, she turned to Sméagol. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, Honey."

"Oh, my sister and I will hang around for a while in case he needs anything," said Hayley.

I nodded.

"Okay," said the nurse as she smiled politely, and left the room.

The kids immediately took to Sméagol. They each introduced themselves, and politely shook his hand, which brought a smile to his face. He connected with them quickly, as he was childlike himself. He played games with them, read them stories, and brought smiles to their faces just by being there for them.

"I'm always on the dinner table," said Sméagol, "but you don't get to eats me. What am I?"

"A napkin?" one little boy guessed.

"Salt and pepper shaker?" another guessed.

"I don't know," said a little girl. "I give up."

Sméagol grinned. "Plates and silverware!" he laughed, making all the kids laugh, too.

"I like riddles," said a little girl. "Do another one, please."

"Alright," said Sméagol. "What can you hears, but not sees or touches, even though you controls it?"

"Superpowers?" one boy guessed.

"Farts?" another guessed. "You can hear 'em and smell 'em, too."

The other kids burst out laughing.

Sméagol giggled. "Your voooooiiiiice!" he sang.

The kids all laughed gleefully.

"Wow!" one little girl exclaimed. "You have a really good singing voice!"

Sméagol smiled warmly. "Awww, thank you, Alissa. Sméagol loves to sing."

"Will you sing a song for us, please?" asked a little boy.

"Of course. What would you like me to sing for you?"

"Do you know any Disney songs?" asked another little girl.

Hayley chuckled, as she knew how much Sméagol loved Disney songs.

"Oh, yes, Sméagol loves Disney!"

"Do you know 'You've Got a Friend in Me' from Toy Story?"

Sméagol grinned. "Oh, yes, one of my favorite songses!" He looked around, and saw that there was a piano in the corner of the room. "Come, follow me." The children all followed him to the piano as he sat down, and began to play and sing.

All the kids were blown away by the sound of his beautiful voice and how well he could play. One little girl climbed onto the bench, and sat next to him. Towards the end of the song, all the kids were singing along. They all clapped and cheered when he finished. Even the parents were blown away.

Sméagol then looked over, and saw the little girl that had climbed up next to him. She nuzzled against his soft sweater. He smiled sweetly at her.

"Can I please have a hug?" she asked.

"Awwww, of course, you can, Precious. Come here, Lacy." He picked her up, and placed her in his lap, giving her the biggest, warmest hug. "Awwww, you're so cute. You knows that?"

"You're really nice," said Lacy, "and I like you a lot."

"Awwwww." Sméagol kissed her forehead. "Bless your heart."

Another little girl climbed up onto the bench, and nuzzled up against Sméagol. He happily gave her a warm hug, too. Then, one by one, every kid took their turns climbing up, and getting a warm, loving hug from Sméagol.

"You're the nicest person in the whole wide world," said a little boy.

"Yeah, and you're funny," added another little boy.

"And, you sound like an angel when you talk," said a little girl.

"Yeah, and when you sing," added another.

Sméagol smiled brightly. The praise from the kids meant so much to him. It made him feel so much joy to know he made a positive difference in their lives.

Sméagol spent the rest of the afternoon, playing riddle games with the kids, reading them more stories, and singing songs with them. They were sad when it was time for him to go home, but he reassured them he would be back again the next day. Then, he gave each of them big hugs and a heart card with his message of love.

Not only did the kids want him to come back everyday, but so did the parents. Seeing their kids laughing, smiling, and having a good time made them so happy, and they knew from watching him that they were in good hands. He gave the parents warm hugs and cards, too, and promised he would be back the next day.

Well, the next day arrived, and Sméagol stayed true to his word. This time, it was only me that came with him. Hayley decided to stay home with Gollum. I sat with the parents, watching Sméagol interacting with the kids. As I watched, some of the parents struck up a conversation with me. I told them about my relationship with Sméagol, about all the good things I've seen him do, and what a big difference he made in my life. It warmed their hearts to know that their kids were in the presence of someone as kind, loving, and nurturing as Sméagol, and someone who knew how to make them laugh and smile, despite their suffering.

Sméagol continued coming everyday to play with the kids. Even on the days he or I had gigs, we still managed to fit in plenty of time. Our gigs were always after lunch, which was usually when we went to the hospital, so we only lost about an hour and a half or two on those days. However, we always remembered to let the kids and parents know ahead of time, so nobody would worry and wonder where Sméagol was. No matter what, Sméagol wanted to spend time with those beautiful kids, because anything he could do to brighten their days always brightened his.

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