Chapter 18

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Back at the field, Hayley had just finished singing her song to Gollum. He looked up at her with the sweetest smile on his face. "Your voice," he said, completely mesmerized, "the most beautiful sound it was I've ever heard. Not even the Precious could match it."

Hayley smiled back at him. "Awwww, Sweetheart."

"What's its name, Precious?"

"I'm Hayley."

"Hayley. Such a beautiful name it is."

"Awww, so is yours, Gollum."

Gollum looked at Hayley again, at her blonde hair, her ocean blue eyes, her kind face, her sweet smile, and he couldn't help but smile himself. "Hayley... the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life you are."

Hayley blushed. "Awwww! Gollum, you're such a sweetie-pie." She gave him a big hug. "You're beautiful, too. You know that?"

"It thinks I'm beautiful?"

"No. I know you are. You have a beautiful face, beautiful eyes, beautiful smile... and a beautiful heart."

Gollum's smile faded, and his eyes filled with sadness again. "I... miss... the Precious."

"I know you do, Sweetie."

"But... it's gone now."

"No. Gollum, no, it's not gone." She looked into his eyes. "I will be your Precious."

Gollum's eyes lit up again. "You?"

"If you'll let me, I will be your new Precious, but unlike the old one, I won't corrupt your kind heart. I won't lead you into darkness and pain and solitude. I won't abandon you. I won't betray you... and I won't force you to spend the rest of your life all alone. You will never be alone again, because unlike the ring, I will give you real love."

"And... light?"

"Yes, and a home... with a warm bed, and you never, ever have to eat raw meat again. Now that the ring's gone, your body will be able to tolerate normal food."

"But... I likes it raw."

"I know, but I think you'll like it cooked even better now."

"How does it know?"

"Because, Sméagol loves it now, and I think you will, too. And, besides... raw meat isn't good for you."

Gollum looked at Hayley in complete wonderment. "Hayley be my Precious?"

Hayley smiled sweetly. "Yes... if you want me to."

Gollum returned the smile. "I do, yes, very much."

"Come here, Baby." Hayley pulled Gollum close again, and held him so tightly.

Gollum rubbed his hands against her back. "Oh, so soft it is."

Hayley giggled. "You like it?"


Just then, Sméagol and I returned. Sméagol approached Gollum, and sat on the other side of him on the stump. "Gollum?" he said softly.

Gollum looked up at Sméagol with fear in his eyes.

"It's alright, Precious." Sméagol gently caressed Gollum's shoulder. "I won't hurts you again."

The fear subsided.

"I wants to tell you I'm sorry."

"For what, Precious?"

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