Chapter 64

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A few days later, it was time for us to go back home, and again, we were all sad to say goodbye. After we loaded the suitcases into the trunk of Mom's car, we all hugged each other, some of us with tears in our eyes, and said our goodbyes... for the time being.

"Thank you, Sméagol," said Teresa, "for being so good to my kids... and my dog, too. And... congratulations on getting married. We'll absolutely be at the wedding."

"Oh, bless you, Teresa," Sméagol said sweetly. "Bless you and your whole family. Sméagol loves all of you so much." He gave her a big hug. "Awww, Sméagol miss you, Precious."

"We'll miss you, too, Sméagol," Teresa sniffled, returning the hug.

However, no one was more distraught over saying goodbye to Sméagol than Riley was. She ran to him with something in her hand. "Here," she sniffled, handing it to him. "I drew this for you."

Sméagol looked at the drawing, and tears poured out of his eyes. It was a drawing of him as an angel with a long, curly tail.

"I even gave you a zipper."

"Awwwww, it's beautiful," Sméagol sniffled. "Thank you so much, Precious. Sméagol has something for you, too." He reached in his pocket, and handed Riley a knitted bracelet with the word "Precious" woven into it.

Riley slipped it onto her wrist, and burst into tears.

"Awwwww, come here, Baby." Sméagol lifted her into his arms, and held her tightly. "Sméagol's always with you, Precious, always. Keep that bracelet with you, and Sméagol be right next to you when you needs him. And... and... Sméagol FaceTime you as much as he can."


"I promise." He kissed her forehead again. "Awwww, I loves you, Baby, always."

"I love you, too, Sméagol," Riley sniffled.

Just then, Cuddle Muffin started to cry as she looked up at Sméagol.

Sméagol's heart broke. "Awwwww, come here, Cuddle Muffy-Poo!" he cried, holding out his free arm.

Cuddle Muffin jumped up into his arms with Riley, sobbing loudly.

"Awwwwwwww, you poor little poochy!" Sméagol wept. "Awwwww, you break Sméagol's poor heart, Precious. Yes, Sméagol loves you very much. Yes, he does. Sméagol miss you, Baby, but we come visits you again. We promises, yes." He kissed Cuddle Muffins' head. "Awwww, go back to your mommy now, Precious."

"I got her," said Liam, lifting the dog out of Sméagol's arms. "Yeah, it's okay, girl," he said in a soothing voice. "They'll be back soon."

"Alright, my little Riley Rose," Sméagol said sweetly. "Sméagol has to go now."

That's when Riley really began sobbing. She held onto Sméagol for dear life.

"Oh, Sweetie!" Sméagol hugged her so tightly with tears pouring from his eyes, and gave her one last kiss on the forehead. "You poor thing! Sméagol won't be away for long. We see each other again very soon. Remember, keep your bracelet with you, and listen to my CD when you needs me to sing to you. Awwww, Sméagol loves you so much, Baby. Bye, Precious." Then, sméagol tearfully handed the sobbing little girl back to her mother as we all headed for the car.

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