Chapter - 11 - Trip?

Start from the beginning

"You don't need to tell me twice. Where's your room?", I show him the way while I'm still in his arms. We enter my room and sits on the bed.

"Wait here, I'll bring some comfortable clothes for you", I go to Julius room, because recently he bought some clothes in sale which were too loose for him. I bet it will fit Jason perfectly.

I went back to him. He was still seated in the same place like a good boy. I give a T-shirt and sweat pants.

"Where did to you get this clothes from?", he asked while removing his shirt. It was sexy, the way he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and finally the shirt was off his body.

Fuck me!! He was indeed a gorgeous man I've ever seen. He is having eight packs and his muscles are defined so perfect which made him even more sexier. Who can guess he's having such a hot body underneath those business suit.

"You didn't answer my question baby? Are you done checking me out", I shake my head, control Kira.

"Umm... It's my friend's clothes.Actually he and his brother kinda live here with us. They are twins", I said not looking at the half naked man in front of me.

He comes closer to me. He takes my chin and forced me to look up at him.
"You live with two men. That's not good baby. I don't like sharing what's mine", he was damn serious. He said mine.

"You got it all wrong", I laugh at his possessiveness.

"Baby I'm serious and you're laughing!!", he said cupping my cheeks on his both hands.
I keep my hands on his chest, he suddenly flinched. Why? I take my hands down, but he brought them back on his chest again.

"Julius is a gay and Maximus doesn't even stay here that much".

I slowly take my hand to his cheek and rub it slightly. "You don't need to be worried about them. They're just my friends Laszlo and I think you should dress now. I will change in bathroom", I said.

"They better be. Now go before I throw you over my shoulder", I can hear him laughing at me.

I changed my clothes and came out. He's already sleeping in bed and was waiting for me. Even in casual clothes he is looking so handsome.

I climbed the bed and lay down beside him. He reached out his arm and wrapped me around him. I started kissing his neck slowly.

"Not now baby", he kisses my nose. I pout my lips in disappointment.

"I know. I'm controlling myself too. But I want you to enjoy this trip with me. But I promise you these two weeks I'm gonna pleasure you and your body and when I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk for weeks ", he promised me weeks filled with pleasure.

I can't wait to go on this trip. My head is on his chest and he kisses my forehead. I draw small patterns on his chest with my fingers. I look up to him, his already asleep.

I know he works hard and also his work is full of stress but still he manages to take out some time for me. I appreciate it. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. I press a kiss on his forehead, in response he holds me more tightly. I rest my head again. He lives in a huge bunglow and fancy hotels but still he is here with me.


There is a huge bang on the door, waking me up. "Get up Kira, we are gonna be late", there she is. Everything was going so perfect but not anymore.

"Yeah, I heard you", I said. I still didn't tell her anything. I didn't even know when did they came. I look at Laszlo
He's still sleeping. I lean down and kiss his nose, "Wake up sleepyhead", I started kissing his jaw.

He opens his eyes and gives me his bright smile.
"Good morning Baby", he kissed me. He nuzzles his face in my neck". April and my friends are outside, waiting for me. I need to tell them about  our trip". I said. He just hums and nod his head.

I had spare toothbrush, we freshen up. He wore his suit that he was wearing yesterday. He didn't shower because we were already late, but I convinced him to stay up for breakfast.

I take his hand in mine and open the door, "At last you showed_______", April was ready to shout at me, but when she saw Jason she stops. Maximus and Julius are shocked too.

"Holy Jesus, Jason Knight walked from my front  door ", Maximus said.

"Umm... Hii guys can I join you all for breakfast?",
Jason broke the silence.

"Of course sir, It will be our pleasure ", Julius said taking out a chair for him. April was looking at me as she was ready to kill me. I go closer to her, "You better explain me later, when he's gone", she gives me a death glare and serves a plate for Jason.

"I can't believe we are having breakfast with you sir", April said.

"Please call me Jason", he smiles. I take a sit beside him. We have our breakfast. Everyone was so keen to speak with Jason. He gets a phone call. I think it's about his business , he ends the call and looks at me.

"I have one urgent meeting in some hours. When it ends I will call you, till then pack your bags. I will pick you up by evening okay. Bye baby", he kissed me.

"Thank you for having me here ", he says and everyone  thanks him too.

I close the door. I turn and find all three are standing, folding their arms, ready to kill him.
'Please God help me'.

"Did you both had sex last night?".
"Why did he said to pack your bags?".
"Are you both serious about this relationship?".
First April, Julius and then Maximus.
I told them everything, they were shocked.

"Wow, you are going to Maldives. I'm so jealous right now", Maximus said.

"I guess happy journey. I'm gonna miss you so much Kira", Julius gives me a hug.

"Bitch, we need to go shopping right now", April dragged me out. I laugh at her actions.

I can't wait for this trip.

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