Harry has a plan that totally has nothing to do with valentine's day ;)

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Harry anxiously sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, his eyes following the door every time it opened, waiting for y/n to walk in. His hands were getting sweaty, and he cursed as yet another group of girls walked in and none of them were the one he was looking for.

"Are you seriously thinking of going through with this?" Hermione asked, leaning forward to make sure Harry heard her.

Harry let his eyes meet Hermione's. "I have no other choice, I have tried everything but she just won't get the clue."

"You think she is going to get it by making her kiss you to get another girl jealous?" Hermione rolled her eyes, utterly disgusted at how men can be.

Harry's face turned a shade of pink. He was embarrassed because thinking it over, he wouldn't want his first kiss with Y/n to be over a made up situation. "What do I do then? I can't tell her I want to kiss her because then she'll think I am being weird."

"Just don't make her think there is another girl involved, no one likes to believe they are a second option." Hermione straightened her posture. "Be honest with her and if that doesn't work, oh well, your loss."

"My loss?!" Harry repeated. "Hermione, don't you mean her loss? That's how the saying goes."

Hermione shrugged her shoulders. "I know what I said." She let herself smile and Harry shook his head, laughing his nerves off. "You'll be fine Harry. You have known her for years! I am sure she has fancied you during that time."

Ron, who was been oddly quiet throughout this conversation, turned to look at Hermione. "Have you?"

"Have I what?" Hermione responded, her ears burning up and she was thankful her curly bushy hair was covering it.

"Fancied Harry." Ron's mouth turned into a flat line after the statement. Harry's eyes widened and the thought of seeing Hermione romantically made him get into a temporary shock.

"Heavens no!" Hermione replied. "I have my tastes..." She decided not to elaborate any further.

Harry was not even the tiniest bit hurt. He was offended, of course, but he was glad that Hermione did not have eyes for him. It would hurt Ron more than anything and besides, he had eyes for Y/n only.

Hermione started to get up from her seat, tucking her hair behind her ears. "I have to go to my dorm, it is my turn to organize the drawers." She left after taking a quick glance at Ron which he noticed. He smiled coyly at himself even after Hermione was well down the hall.

"I am so nervous," Harry mumbled, his foot jumping up and down. "I don't think I will forgive myself if I don't tell her how I feel."

Ron nodded, a certain leveling of understanding for Harry filled him. He knows what it is like to fancy someone for so long but having to hide it as to not ruin the friendship. He couldn't believe Harry was so nervous. "Just go for it, mate. What's the worst that can happen?"

"She'll say she does not fancy me and I will have to be alone for the rest of my life because no one can even come close to how much she means to me," Harry blurted out, his words coming out even faster than what his mind could process.

Ron smiled, letting the nervousness of Harry touch him. He looked to the entrance, where Hermione was waving at Y/n. "She's about to be here, I think Hermione told her that you're here. Do you want me to leave?"

Harry turned all the colors there was ever to exist at this very moment. He felt like his heart had stopped beating. Scared for his life, he pleaded, "please, don't leave. Just sit over there somewhere but I need someone just in case I faint."

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