Harry is so adorable, here is him asking you out... you're welcome ;)

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"Hermione, do you know if Harry is... um, seeing anyone?" You asked, walking ahead of three Hufflepuff students that were trying to eavesdrop at the sound of Harry's name. 

Hermione, who was busy trying to search for her quill in her bag, looked up at you, and asked with a quizzical face, "Why do you want to know?" 

The Hufflepuff students walked closer and annoyance creeped onto you. "Will you quit being nosy?" You told off the students who were getting on your nerves, they left with a hurry and ran around the corridor. 

You went back to the conversation with Hermione after securing your bag in place over your shoulder. "I don't know, it is just that I want to know if he is... Isn't it annoying how everyone seems to want to know if You-Know-Who is actually back? Why can't they just believe Harry and Dumbledore already?" 

"They don't want to," Hermione responded with an air of saying this way too many times, "It is better for the Ministry to believe that You-Know-Who is not back so that every person doesn't go ballistic." 

"Well, it would be such a shock that they would actually believe Harry for once," you mentioned, following Hermione out of the castle and onto the patch where a giant tree was planted. You smiled and set your books and bag onto the grass, sitting down with it while Hermione finally found the thing she was looking for. 

"Here, I have the list of the people in the DA," Hermione showed you the list of names and she continued, "Now, I have to use the jinx that I have been practicing to secure that no one says anything." 

"I will be the first one to tell someone off if they rat us out," you threatened, staring off into the distance at the calm waters of the Black lake. "I don't want to think what Umbridge will do if she found out." You fake shuddered and Hermione laughed. 

"Going back to the discussion about Harry," Hermione said, making you look at her, "I don't think he is too fond of Cho right now." 

"Really? How come?" You tried to pretend you weren't thrilled that him and Cho weren't on good terms, but the huge grin that Hermione spotted made it obvious you were happy. 

Hermione smiled. "They had a fight a couple of days ago because she kept on talking about Cedric. Harry reckons that she still hasn't gone over him and he doesn't blame her. He says he doesn't want to deal with Cho right now. He has someone else in mind he has been trying not to think about, apparently," Hermione added as if she already knew for a while. 

"Do you know who it is?" You hid your face in the attempt to get a quill but Hermione saw right through you. 

"Why are you so interested all of a sudden, Y/n? I thought you don't like Harry?" Hermione asked after her bag moved eerily. 

"I never said I didn't like Harry, I just didn't like how he was going out with Cho," you responded, avoiding Hermione's glares at empty air beside her. 

"What do you think about him not talking to Cho?" 

"Well, I hope he realizes that Cho might still be hurt because of Cedric's death. Maybe he should try again with her?" You told her, dreading the fact that you said that. You wished you could go on a date with Harry. 

"You want them to get back together?" Hermione asked, a look of total confusion on her face. 

You sighed. "Not really, no. Promise me you won't tell anyone?" 

Hermione looked around but didn't say a word, she merely just nodded. 

"Alright," you grabbed a piece of parchment but you didn't write anything on it. You contemplated how you would be able to tell her that you fancied Harry. You stared back at the Black lake and you said, "I think I fancy Harry, Hermione."

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