a surprise birthday party for Harry since it is HIS BDAY

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You were stressing out in the Common Room, trying to shush some of the first years and stuffing some fourth years into the hiding spots that were already planned. 

"You guys have to work with me. Ron is going to come in with Harry in a couple of moments-"

"In half an hour," George interrupted. 

"I don't know why we have to get ready right now..." Fred fell silent as your dagger stare made everyone get silent. 

You wanted this to be the best surprise party Harry has ever received. Balloons of red and gold were set up on the floor and some floating in the ceiling. There were presents from admirers, friends, and even from other houses. You told some trusting people from the other houses the common room password so that they could assist in this memorable moment. Hermione was helping you plan everything and you were so anxious to make sure that Harry will enjoy this. 

"Please, just work with me, everyone. This is Harry's 16th birthday and we have to make it the best one ever. Now, does everyone know what we have to say when he comes in with Ron?" 

"Move out of the way, Ron!" Some Gryffindors yelled sending a flutter of laughter from some. 

"No, definitely not that. Ron is just as important as Harry and if anyone disagrees, they are free to leave right now." You demanded, glancing to where the laughter was the loudest. "But, we are not going to make Ron feel like that today, Harry wouldn't like that at all. We are going to say, with Ron, 'SURPRISE!'"

Some students jumped as you yelled the last word. Now you felt like you were going to pop with all of this energy you have inside of you. Hermione came quickly towards you and said, Y/n, let's just relax a little bit. Let some of the kids talk, Harry is going to be alright. Everything is going to come out just fine." 

You let Hermione drag you down from the couch and towards the fireplace. 

"But, Hermione, if he comes and everything doesn't go as planned, he'll be disappointed-"

"Come on, Y/n. You know him like Ron and I, he is not going to be disappointed. He's going to be so happy. Now, let's get you something to eat," Hermione said, taking your arm and walking over to the tables filled with Harry's favorite treats and food: treacle tart, chocolate frogs, pumpkin juice and so on. 

You stuffed yourself with some treacle tart as you stared anxiously at the door where Ron and Harry must be coming. You decide to calm yourself since Hermione is right, he is going to be happy that there is a party for him. George is helping a poor kid throw up in a brown paper bag while Fred is trying to hold in his laugh at the far corner of the common room. You smiled feebly thinking of the many ways this can go wrong. 

"Do you think he is going to like his presents?" You asked Hermione, the both of you looking to the back and seeing the mountain pile of presents stacked. 

Hermione exhaled. "I'm sure he'll like them all." 

You stuffed your face again and hoped that no one went inside the Astronomy tower. You didn't tell anyone but you know that Harry will not like to be the center of attention all of the time so, as a backup plan, you set up a small picnic at the astronomy tower. You wouldn't offer it in case he looks tired and asks you. Your stomach was doing that weird thing it does when you think of him.  

Then, some students started to talk to each other excitedly and sneak under the tables, desks, and chairs. The twins put away their candy and tricks to hide themselves. You were busy in your own mind to notice any of these things so you continued to munch down on your treacle tart. 

"Y/n! He's right outside the door," Hermione whispered to you, shaking you slightly. 

You snapped out of it and immediately ducked under the table and put on the party hat that everyone else is wearing as well. You casted a spell to dim the lights and the door opened. 

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