stop denying it Harry, you know you fancy her 🙄🙄

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Hermione slammed her book hard on the table. "Harry!" She urged desperately, snapping at Harry's blank face to try and get his attention. 

Harry, who was resting his head on his hand, woke up with a start and looked around like if he just Apparated there. "What, Hermione?" He asked her, ignoring Ron's chortling. 

Hermione let out a deep exhale and said quickly, "We are still studying for our OWLs and if you keep on dozing off, we are never going to go to bed." 

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, Hermione," Ron said swiftly, causing Hermione to roll her eyes. 

"What are you thinking about that is apparently more important than our OWLs," Hermione criticized, snapping her head to look back at her Ancient Runes book. 

"Oh... it was nothing," Harry answered, making sure to not look at Hermione or Ron when he answered. He was definitely thinking about something, he still had a slight grin on his face after he daydreamed about a certain girl he started to fancy. 

"Oh, come on, Harry," Ron taunted, pushing Harry with his book as if that could make the words come out of him. "We know you were thinking about something-"

"Or someone," Hermione mumbled, not hiding the fact that she wasn't paying attention to her book anymore. 

"What?" Harry said, forcing himself to clear his mind but then he remembered that they don't know Occlumency. "Oh, no it was nothing, like I said. I was just tired and want to go to sleep." 

"Yeah, right," Ron said, his voice thick was sarcasm. 

Hermione laughed and urged on, making sure that Harry was looking at her. "You can tell us Harry or we could find out the other way..."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, his voice raising higher. 

Ron and Hermione glanced at each other and started to laugh, completely ignoring Harry's stumped look. Harry rested his head back on the old couch and stared at the high ceiling of Gryffindor's common room. The fire made the shadows of him and his friends dance and he was entertained for a while until the painting stretched open, casting a cold breeze in the common room. 

Harry pulled his head away from the ceiling and glanced to see who had entered. His heart bounced to his throat as he saw the familiar person entering with a tired face. 

Y/n walked towards Ron, Hermione and Harry, placing her broomstick on the floor and running her hands through her hair. "I'm getting super tired of trying to find the flipping snitch while the others think we are never going to win because someone," she casted Harry a look, "had to get banned, along with two others." She walked to a vacant chair and plopped down on it, apparently so exhausted, she didn't have time to take off her gear. 

"Why, what happened?" Harry piped up, resisting going to his dormitory and grabbing a blanket for her. 

"Only the usual," Y/n answered, looking at Harry and she softened her look, making Harry's stomach do a somersault. "We were doing so well until our beaters sent a Bludger at Angelina and she is in the Hospital Wing right now." 

"Why is she there for?" Ron asked, throwing his book behind him and Hermione casting him a frightened look. 

"Oh, just a broken skull," Y/n responded, finally taking off her gloves and setting them down on the table next to her. "Yeah, we are definitely not going to win against Hufflepuff on Friday. Why weren't you there Ron?" 

Everyone glanced at Ron except Harry. The light from the fire danced on Y/n eyes and he was transfixed.

Y/n noticed and smirked, making Harry immediately turn to look at Ron, making Ron jump a little and say, "Bloody hell, Harry! You scared me... To answer your question, Y/n, Hermione dragged me to finish studying-"

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