Harry is such a simple lad :)

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"Now, class, pack your things and get away from my sight," Professor Snape announced, a flick of his cloak following the bell of the next class.

Students scrambled out of the room in a hurry, not wanting to stay in Snape's class any longer. You couldn't blame them. You opened your bag, stuffing in your notes for the day to get ready for lunch.

"Now is it that hard to put your things away y/l/n?" Professor Snape snapped, slamming a piece of white chalk on his desk.

"Sorry, sir," you mumbled, throwing your bag over your shoulder. You headed towards the door, and opened it quickly, slamming it after you have left. You grinned to yourself before walking away, not wanting to wonder about the remarks Snape would make if he catches up to you.

You walked through the swarm of students, not paying attention to anyone in particular. You walked behind a couple, who were ready to forget that anyone else was walking around them. You circled around, cringing to yourself.

As you walked around, you bumped into someone, their hand brushing against yours. You immediately placed your hand on your side, raising your head a bit to look at who's knuckles breezed against yours.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking," he admitted. By his glasses and the famous lightning bolt scar on his forehead, you knew it was Harry Potter.

His grin looked apologetic, his green eyes connected with yours. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

You cleared your throat. "It's fine, Harry."

He smiled at you, and you had to fix your bag just to do something.

"Um, I'll see you around...?"

"Y/n," you replied, smiling a bit as he was interested in knowing what your name is.

Harry couldn't stop staring at how lovely your eyes are. He kept on wanting to look at them again but you kept looking the other way. "Y/n," he echoed, liking the way it sounds.

"Bye," you said, feeling uncomfortably flustered at his gaze.

Harry smiled his goodbye and the two of you parted ways. As you walked in what was now a solitary hall, Harry looked back to glance at you again. You had this feeling that someone was observing you. You glanced back and you were wrong, because Harry had turned his head back.

You looked back at your hand, a foolish idea coming in your mind. He was trying to look into my eyes, you thought. You were suddenly angry at yourself because you were exaggerating that small interaction with him. You walked with a heavy pace to the Great Hall.

Meanwhile, a dizzy Harry was walking to a hall he never knew existed at Hogwarts. He couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. The way her hair fell perfectly on her head. Or her voice, especially when she said his name. His face started to hurt, more like the big smile that hasn't left his face started to cause some pain. He knew which route to take more often now.

I have to talk to her again, he thought, his adrenaline pumping like it does when he plays a Quidditch game. His brain was making him continue with this thought, just raveling around the beautiful y/n. He has to see her again. He turned around to go back but thought the better of it.

"I don't want her thinking I am a creep," he mumbled, locking eyes with some hanging students in the hall. They all stared at him; it didn't help that this was the time when all the rumors about him being possessed by the Dark lord were escalating.

Harry nodded awkwardly at them and he continued pacing around, not a clear destination in his mind. He didn't care that they thought he was a liar, or a lunatic. He wanted them to know he was just a person, a person that does human things, and that has human feelings.

His stomach churned. He wasn't hungry, at least not in the physical way. He was hungry-starving-for just another glimpse of her.

"Bloody hell, Harry, are you alright?" Ron asked, running his hand through his fiery hair. He had just walked around the corner of the hall and bumped into a perplexed Harry. "You look like you need something."

"Yeah, I do actually," Harry said, grabbing Ron's arm and making him walk forward. "Do you know y/n?"


Harry's hope was draining. "She's really pretty and carries a book bag," Harry explained, looking hopefully into Ron's eyes.

Ron blushed slightly. "I know a girl that fits that description but none that has that name. Why are you looking for her anyways?"

"I just am, alright?"

"Geez, you really do need something." Ron stretched and looked for the hall that directs you to the Great hall. "Tell you what, mate, let's grab something to eat and I will help you find her. Deal?"

Harry, who had no other ideas, agreed.

What he does not know, or remember, is that everyone has the same lunch hour as them....

The end 😘 so i just took the PSAT and I need a creative outlet. And sorry babes that I haven't written here sooner, high school is too much for me :p

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