Harry had a nightmare and snuck into your room.. not like that weirdos BAHAHAHA

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"I'm going back to my bed," you said, wiping your wet face on your towel. "I had fun having our girl time." 

Hermione, with her face mask and robe, chuckled. "Yeah, it is getting awfully late." 

"Oh, come on! I was just about to get ready!" Ginny exclaimed with her face full of green paste and wet hair. This made the three of you laugh and you walked to the window while Ginny helped Hermione paint her nails. 

You looked out of the window of your dorm. The view was dazzling: bright stars glittered over the dark, night sky. Something about watching the stars in a clear night made you feel so calm. This feeling of being at peace reminded you of someone who always makes you feel this way: Harry. 

"I don't want to seem so cliché, but do you guys know if Harry is still going out with Cho?" You asked them, not daring to look at their smirks and raised eyebrows, they already tease you enough. 

"Actually, I talked with Luna today-"

"Talked?" Hermione teased, making you chuckle and Ginny roll her eyes. 

You turned to be with them again after your face got cold as the cool breeze from the window breathed on you. Hermione was in a huddled position because she was now painting Ginny's nails a peculiar shade of light green, one that coincidentally matched the color Luna was wearing earlier today. You smiled and sat down next to them, bringing the heels of your slippers under your legs. Being with your friends makes you feel so happy that you can't help but smiling at them. 

"Fine," Ginny admitted, "I might have asked her out on a date this Hogsmeade weekend but-"

You and Hermione started to make funny faces at Ginny just to see her get embarrassed but you were happy for her, so happy because they make such a great couple. "What did she say?" You asked, as Hermione laughed while Ginny facepalmed herself. 

"She said that she'll love to go," Ginny mumbled, her face turning scarlet. "But, yeah, him and Cho broke it off like last year. I think he is too focused being the best at Potions and being Quidditch Captain for anything else." 

Knock! Knock!

"You guys, Professor McGonagall is coming up here, she's inspecting the halls because someone spotted a person climbing up the tower! Get out of there, Gin and Hermione!" Angelina whisper-yelled through the opening of your dorm door. 

Ginny looked at you with wide eyes while Hermione was already up from the floor. 

"Thank you, Angelina! We'll be right outside," Hermione whispered back, trying to tidy up some of the mess that was on the floor; opened makeup products, hairbrushes, nail supplies and so on. 

Ginny got up and said, "I'm sorry, Y/n, but I am going to have to go. I have to get better at Quidditch and I want to be in Professor McGonagall's good side." 

"Yes, totally, I understand. Oh, for bloody sake Hermione, just leave those things here. I'll clean it up later," you said, chuckling at Hermione's anxious expression as face masks bottles were falling out of her filled arms. 

She smiled and dropped them gently on your bed and you ushered them out of your dorm before McGonagall came up. "I had fun, you guys, I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice sleep!" You said, giving them both a quick hug and making sure that their face mask goo wouldn't stick to your cleaned face. They scrambled down the hall towards their own dorms and shut the door as quietly as they could, you did the same. 

You tip-toed to your bed and laid down on it until you felt your eyelids flutter and drifted off to sleep... 

Your eyes snapped open, waiting for them to adjust since the night was getting a little clearer as time had passed. You ran your hand over your face and looked around your room because you had this odd sense that someone else's heart was beating along with yours. As you looked near your mirror, you almost shrieked with horror as a light was reflecting on the right side of the mirror. 

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