You and Harry drown in the Black lake 🥰

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"Meet me at the Black lake after Quidditch practice to cool down, or not," you read out loud from the note Harry passed to you.

Hermione chuckled and hid her face under her book to hide her smile.

You folded the note towards you, a blush creeping it's way to your cheeks. "Harry is so ridiculous," you mumbled through your small smile as you placed your textbook over his scribbled note.

Hermione glanced around the Great Hall, her brown eyes studying the faces of everyone under her gaze. Her eyes landed on you again. "Are you going to go then?"

"I guess so," you answered, your heart thumping against your chest. "If I say no, or don't show up, he is capable of dragging me all the way there." You tucked your hair behind your ears, staring off into your textbook as you imagined Harry whining as to why you didn't show up with him. He was always a bit over the top with things.

Hermione scratched her nose as she got back to eating her lunch, her favorite piece of treacle tart already halfway devoured. "I think that he is planning on asking you out on a date." She swallowed her tart. "What do you think?"

"He won't do that, Hermy." You shook your head, finding that claim ridiculous since Harry is well, Harry. He is way too awkward to ask anyone on a date.

"He wouldn't ask me anyways," you continued, looking around you to make sure he wasn't near. "Plus, I am pretty sure that he doesn't feel the same way as I do."

"You told him?" Hermione asked you, her body leaning towards you as she picked a piece of bread from the center of the table.

You blushed, remembering how that situation has gotten. "Well, it wasn't like I confessed. I just told him that I find him interesting in a different way than anyone else."

"Y/n, that is practically a marriage proposal!" Hermione exaggerated, sharing a laugh with you. "What did he say?"

"He said that he finds me interesting too and what did I mean when I said the last bit," you answered, rolling your eyes with a smile on your face. "I ran away before he asked me again. So, with all things considered, I told him that I fancy him with different words." You looked into Hermione's eyes and both bursted into laughter.

"I really think you should get going to the black lake then," Hermione commented, her face a shade of pink from laughing so much.

You contemplated while looking at the large doors of the Great Hall. "He wrote to meet him after Quidditch practice," you stated, lifting your book to glimpse at the flattened note. "I don't think it is time yet."

She put her lips in a thin line as Hermione's eyes looked at you with shame. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I kind of have to talk to Professor Dumbledore about S.P.E.W. I need the confirmation from him before I recruit people."

You nodded as she spoke, reassuring her by smiling. "Go Hermione, and when he accepts it, can you tell me when the first meeting is?"

Hermione's eyes lit up as she grabbed her things on the table, her empty plates vanished into who knows where. "I will certainly tell you! I have to go now, good luck with Harry!" Her face truly did light as she ran down the hall, exiting through the doors in a hurry.

"Now, what the heck is Harry doing?" You mumbled to yourself as you walked through the steep hill, the one next to the vast space of water alongside it. With the entire world in your view, Harry was inside the water, splashing around like a dog.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Harry yelled, his head bobbing up and down on the water. His arms were waving frantically above him.

You dropped your schoolbag to the ground, sprinting your way to him. Though you were incredibly exhausted from Quidditch and walking for so long, you dived into the water. "Harry! Harry! Calm down," you instructed, trying to shield your face from the splashes he was creating.

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