its a little wittle bit sad (im sorry T_T)

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"I don't know why all of the people that care about me have to die," Harry mumbled, crying onto your shoulder horribly. 

The breeze that followed his sentence swished the trees behind the both of you. When the trees moved as a result, the moonlight leaked through the leaves, illuminating the names on the tombstones in front of the both of you. 

You held Harry's head, trying to comfort him in any way possible. It was Halloween and instead of spending it with Ron and Hermione in the tent, you agreed to accompany Harry to meet his parents again. The tombstones that held the names of Harry's parents twinkled in the moonlight. You sighed, "I don't know either, Harry, it is not fair." 

Harry tried to restore himself but he couldn't. He continued to cry, knowing that you never judged him for it, he tried to continue talking, "It's not fair how I didn't even know anything about my parents. And then... and then I am told I am literally one of the most famous people in the Wizarding world because I survived some stupid killing curse," he cried, trying his hardest not to tumble on the ground. "I wish it could've just killed me to not go through all of this."

You frowned and looked at him, your vision blurred by the threat of tears falling. "Please, Harry, I want you to know that I am always here for you. I, for one, am absolutely glad you weren't killed because I was able to meet the amazing person you are. It sucks that you have to go through all of this but never doubt for a second that I will ever leave your side. You know I won't," you explained, moving his hair away from his face. 

He looked back at the tombstones one last time after trying to distract himself with the swift movement on the trees. He nodded and placed a lily flower on both graves, his fingers absentmindedly running through the letters etched in stone. The flowers looked small in comparison to the millions of other types of flowers, letters and gifts that crowded the graves. You stared at the lilies Harry placed and you proceeded to place another on both graves. You stepped back to admire it and you knew Harry was struggling to not sob again. 

"Hey," you said softly, making Harry turn to look at you, "Let's go and watch the moon together. Come on, let's go on that hill." You motioned to a tall valley of dark dewy grass that was looking so inviting for two souls to lay on. You grabbed Harry's hand, not waiting for an answer, and walked with him towards the hill. A cold breeze sent shivers down your spine every couple of seconds but you didn't mind it. You wanted to distract Harry with something he can possibly find peace with. 

You laid down on the wet grass, waiting for Harry to join you. He stared at you, a bewildered expression on his face. "What are you doing?" He asked, making himself smile a little despite of himself. 

You looked around and said, "What does it look like I am doing? Lay down with me, Harry, just for a while." You smiled and this made Harry, after a couple of confused seconds of blinking, get down on the grass with a couple of grunts. 

You rested your back on the ground, staring at the shining stars above you, while Harry rested himself the same. He let out a deep exhale, not taking his eyes off some stars that illuminated the dark night sky. He continued to look up, looking like he was in a different world altogether, while you stared at the big moon. 

"I wonder what they will say if they were alive," Harry whispered, resting his hands on his stomach. 

You let your head turn and said, looking at Harry's moonlit side, "They will be proud of you Harry. I am sure of it, and we are going to continue making them proud." 

Harry nodded certainly and his tears were soon drying on his face. Having the weight of Sirius' death and now Dumbledore's... he didn't know how he can face it. He was scared that something can happen to you and it will add to the mountain of guilt he faced on a daily. 

"Harry," you called, making him glance at you, "I have a stereo with me and I don't know if it is the right time... but do you want to dance with me?" 

Harry, who was thinking that something horrible happened, softened his gaze and nodded. "Yes, I would really like to dance." He got up, his shoes making loud squishy sounds on the wet grass and slipping mud. He helped you get up while you fixed the buttons on the stereo to a song you thought would fit the situation. 

"You don't think it is disrespecting them?" You asked, turning to look at the graveyard that was a good couple of yards away. 

"I don't think so, we aren't dancing on their graves," he reasoned, taking your hand as you set down the stereo. 

"What's this song?" He asked you as he placed his hands on either side of your waist. 

"I believe it is called 'The Night We Met', I heard it was a good song," you answered, hugging Harry while the soft instruments and vocals seemed to echo through the silent graveyard and stretching grass. 

The both of you swayed sluggishly, as if not daring to interrupt the beautiful melodies of the stereo. Everything felt unreal, the graveyards glittering with the direct light from the moon and the trees that swayed like they were dancing too. In the turn that Harry made, you noticed a soft blue light illuminate the names of James and Lily Potter. You imagined them looking down at the both of you, dancing with each other as the song played. 

"Do you think I can survive?" Harry asked as the man's voice boomed from the stereo. 

Meeting his fearful gaze, you said, "Harry, as long as we stay together, we can survive anything." 

Then you let your head rest on the crook where his shoulders meet his neck, and you wished that this moment can stay forever. You wished that the unknown journey wasn't waiting for the both of you, you just wished that the both of you can finally have a happy ending. 

"I love you Y/n," he confessed, hugging you and wishing that he can stretch time. He was scared, fearful for what lies ahead for him. What must happen so that everyone can finally rest again was on him. So that his parents' death meant something, so that Dumbledore's death would finally be avenged and that Sirius' death wouldn't make him hurt so much as it still does. He knew that moments like these, like confessing his love, should be said and not put off for longer... there might not be another time.

"I love you, too, Harry," you whispered back, feeling a few tears soak into Harry's soft cotton shirt. 

As the song continued to play, you both stared out into the still graveyards and when it was starting to end, the both of you apparated out of there. The stereo continued until the final notes, and the moonlight spotted what appears to be a stag and a doe, playing with each other in the hill where two lovers shared a dance. 

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